Published date: 17 July 2017
This notice was replaced on 11 September 2017
This notice does not contain the most up-to-date information about this procurement. The most recent notice is:
Awarded contract (published 18 September 2017, last edited 18 September 2017)
Closed opportunity - This means that the contract is currently closed. The buying department may be considering suppliers that have already applied, or no suitable offers were made.
Contract summary
Education and training services - 80000000
Health and social work services - 85000000
Location of contract
North East, North West, Yorkshire and the Humber, East Midlands, West Midlands, East of England, London, South East, South West
Value of contract
Procurement reference
BMS ITT Reference 60452
Published date
17 July 2017
Closing date
4 August 2017
Contract start date
1 September 2017
Contract end date
30 March 2018
Contract type
Service contract
Procedure type
Contract is suitable for SMEs?
Contract is suitable for VCSEs?
The project to Improve Identification of Young Carers is a key piece of work designed to support the delivery of the Department of Health's Carers work programme this year. The aim of the project is to increase the timely identification of Young Carers (aged under 18) in order that they can receive appropriate support from services and the community around them.
The Department has heard in its Call for Evidence , which has informed the development of this new work, that identifying young carers is an essential step in ensuring that young carers, and their families, receive the support they need, in particular ensuring that young carers do not have to provide excessive or inappropriate care. This project and its outcomes will support joint working between the statutory and voluntary sectors, and wider communities, as part of developing carer-friendly communities, to achieve better identification and support of young carers. It also seeks to support the Department and Government's wider strategic aims to:
• support carers to continue to care, and only where appropriate, while minimising the detrimental impact on their own health and wellbeing and other life chances;
• ensure the new rights for carers introduced by the Children and Families Act 2014 are more fully embedded, and bring the benefits to carers intended by the Act; and
• help realise the duty placed on Local Authorities in England by the Children and Families Act 2014, to take reasonable steps to identify the extent to which there are young carers within their area who have needs for support.
Interested suppliers need to register on the BMS system if they have not done so already. Details of registration can be found on the attached instructions document and link provided.
This Procurement exercise will follow the principles of the 'Light Touch Regime' (LTR) as introduced under the revised Public Contracts Regulation 2015 (PCR2015). The LTR is a specific set of rules for certain service contracts that include certain social, health and educational services as defined by the Common Procurement Vocabulary codes, and whose value that do not exceed a net total of €750,000 (euros). Under the LTR, contracting Authorities are given greater flexibility regarding the approach and tender procedures adopted for the service requirements. Therefore the Authority has decided to utilise our existing suite of templates for the basis of this exercise.
More information
- 170712 DH_LTR_Attachment_1__Instructions_to_Tenderers_v0.2.docx
- Bidding documents
- Invitation to Tender document - Attachment 1
- 170712 DH LTR Attachment 2 - Terms of Participation v0.2.docx
- Bidding documents
- Terms of Participation - Attachment 2
- 170712 DH_LTR_Attachment_3__Specification_v0.2.docx
- Bidding documents
- Service Description - Specification Document - Attachment 3
- 170712 DH LTR Attachment 4 Ts and Cs Identifying Young Carers.docx
- Bidding documents
- Terms and Conditions of Contract - Attachment 4
- 170712 DH LTR Attachment 5 - Evaluation Guidance v0.2.docx
- Bidding documents
- Evaluation Guidance Document - Attachment 5
- 170712 DH LTR Attachment 6 - Selection Questionnaire v0.3.docx
- Bidding documents
- Selection Questionnaire & Participation Requirements - Attachment 6
- 170712 DH LTR Attachment 7 - Award Questionnaire v0.2.docx
- Bidding documents
- Award Questionnaire - Attachment 7
- 170712 DH LTR Attachment_8_Young Carers_pricing_schedule.docx
- Bidding documents
- Pricing Schedule - Attachment 8
- 170712 DH_LTR_Attachment_9_ Confidentiality Agreement.docx
- Bidding documents
- Non-disclosure of Confidential Information - Attachment 9
- Jan_2017_BMS_E-tendering_manual.pdf
- Bidding documents
- BMS Supplier user guidance document
- Bidding documents
- BMS E-procurement Registration Details and helpdesk details
About the buyer
Contact name
John Cook
Department of Health, Commercial Directorate, Premier House, 60 Caversham Road,
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