Published date: 26 May 2016

Closed opportunity - This means that the contract is currently closed. The buying department may be considering suppliers that have already applied, or no suitable offers were made.

Closing: 23 June 2016

Contract summary


  • Education and training services - 80000000

Location of contract

Any region

Value of contract

£50,000 to £750,000

Procurement reference


Published date

26 May 2016

Closing date

23 June 2016

Contract start date

1 September 2016

Contract end date

31 July 2017

Contract type

Service contract

Procedure type

Open procedure

Any interested supplier may submit a tender in response to an opportunity notice.

Contract is suitable for SMEs?


Contract is suitable for VCSEs?



Please note that this is a grant.

Building on the success of the 2015-16 Character Education Grants, we are making grant funding available for the 2016-17 academic year to develop new approaches or expand and evaluate existing approaches that will support children and young people to be well-rounded, confident, happy and resilient - prepared for success in adult life.

A total of £6m is available. The successful bidders will deliver a programme to increase the number of young people involved in activities and environments that promote character education. The projects that we fund will aim to develop key character traits, attributes and behaviours in children aged 5-16 that support academic attainment; are valued by employers, and enable children to make a positive contribution to British society.

As part of this programme, we will also fund projects that employ a military ethos approach to developing character.

Bids should include a clear plan and evidence base for how the above aims will be achieved. Applications will be assessed and prioritised according to the extent to which they meet the assessment criteria described in the application form.

More information


Additional text

When submitting your final application, please include the following:
• Application form
• Invitation letter declaration form
• All financial documents as specified in the application form
• Consortium documentation setting out the agreement entered into by consortium members

Please remember to send your documents in an email and not via the submit button that may appear on your screen.

A model grant funding agreement letter, model grant funding agreement terms and conditions and grant funding agreement explanatory notes are also provided for information.

About the buyer

Contact name

Rachida Takal


Department for Education, Sanctuary Buildings, Great Smith Street,
