Published date: 19 October 2021
Closed opportunity - This means that the contract is currently closed. The buying department may be considering suppliers that have already applied, or no suitable offers were made.
Contract summary
Security software package - 48730000
Research and development services and related consultancy services - 73000000
Public security services - 75241000
Location of contract
Value of contract
£60,000 to £400,000
Procurement reference
Published date
19 October 2021
Closing date
8 November 2021
Closing time
Contract start date
29 November 2021
Contract end date
7 March 2022
Contract type
Service contract
Procedure type
Open procedure (below threshold)
Any interested supplier may submit a tender in response to an opportunity notice.
This procedure can be used for procurements below the relevant contract value threshold.
Contract is suitable for SMEs?
Contract is suitable for VCSEs?
Security is seen as complicated or confusing by many people, or even as a blocker or impediment to working. Security is rarely promoted as an enabler or core business outside the security practitioner community.
The public sector needs to better enable our people to reduce and manage risk, where 'our people' are defined as users (anyone who uses government official IT) and practitioners (those responsible for managing and delivering security in an organisation), and where 'risk' is defined as "the harm arising from potential loss, damage or compromise of government assets."
We know that organisational cultures can be a powerful influence on how people act in the workplace, where 'culture' is defined as "shared values (what is important) and beliefs (how things work) that interact with an organisation's structures and control systems to produce behavioural norms (the way we do things around here)."
We want to validate or disprove the following hypotheses:
A) Promoting appropriate culture(s) is an effective lever in reducing and managing risk;
B) Human Factors -including organisational climate and culture- play a critical role in our cross government risk posture today;
C) It is feasible to develop a holistic methodology or capability that can assess and monitor the health of the Human Factors landscape - including organisational climate and culture - across a public sector organisation in near real time;
D) It is feasible to develop a single methodology or capability to assess and monitor the health of the Human Factors landscape - including organisational climate and culture - across government in near real time;
E) Although several aspects of culture are interrelated, it adds value to target 'cyber culture' separately from 'organisational culture' or 'security culture' (where "security culture" is defined as 'The set of values, beliefs and assumptions, shared by everyone in an organisation, which determine how people are expected to think about and approach physical, personnel, technical and cyber security');
F) Leadership (senior leaders as well as local line managers) attitudes and behaviours are the single greatest factor which drive an organisation's risk posture, and therefore represents the greatest value for risk interventions;
G) Risk interventions applicable to government departments are also applicable to other public sector organisations such as local authorities, education and healthcare arm lengths bodies;
H) Appropriate security cultures require the organisation to improve people's capability and opportunity to work securely, as well as their attitudes and motivation.
I) Interventions which reduce high risk behaviours (e.g. reduced IT security violations) can be measured in near real-time, quantitatively and qualitatively.
More information
- SBRI_CO_Security Culture_001_Authority Contract V1.0.docx
- Tender notice
- Authority Contract
- SBRI_CO_Reducing Public Sector Risk_002_Invitation to Tender_v1.0.docx
- Tender notice
- Invitation To Tender
- SBRI_CO_Reducing Public Sector Risk Through CUlture Change_003_Brief Template_v1.0.docx
- Tender notice
- Competition Brief Template
- SBRI_CO_Reducing Public Sector Ris_004_Guidance Notes_v1.0.docx
- Tender notice
- Guidance Notes
- SBRI_CO_Reducing Public Sector Risk Through Culture Change_005_Application Form_v1.0.docx
- Tender notice
- Application Form
- SBRI_CO_Reducing Public Sector Risk_006_FAQs_v1.0.docx
- Tender notice
- SBRI_CO_Reducing Public Sector Risk_007_Assessor Guidance_v1.0.docx
- Tender notice
- Assessor Guidance
Additional text
Over 12 weeks, Phase One invites potentially multiple suppliers to:
1) validate or disprove as many of our nine hypotheses as possible and;
2) develop, prototype and test systematic interventions or groups of interventions to reduce risk, and;
3) propose implementation measures and outcome measures of the effectiveness for these intervention(s).
User Need
Our users need to be able to:
A) implement your intervention(s) quickly, cheaply and easily;
B) measure the effectiveness of your intervention(s) on reducing risk in near real time;
C) integrate your intervention(s) seamlessly with existing business processes and initiatives;
D) monitor the impact of your intervention(s) on risk across diverse public sector organisations.
Other Information: Contract Structure
The overall programme will be delivered over two phases; this contract is for the first phase (Phase One).
Up to £400,000 (including VAT) is allocated to Phase One of the competition, with potentially a number of simultaneous technical feasibility study contracts awarded of up to £60,000k (including VAT) per project for up to 12 weeks.
Phase Two will award research and development contracts to Phase One project partners to deliver a "private beta" or field testing of the prototype developed in Phase One with a small group of controlled users.
The intended outcome of Phase Two is that we have field tested what will turn into a centrally delivered service that improves delivery in departments/ public sector organisations.
We target awarding up to three Phase Two contracts of up to £200,000 each (including VAT) for up to 12 months of research, development and prototyping.
The contract will terminate at the end of Phase Two, and the chosen business will be expected to pursue commercialisation of their solution.
Suppliers will retain intellectual property developed during the contract, but foreground and necessary background IP to exploit the solution must be available to license on equitable, non-royalty terms by the government.
Who is Eligible
Applicants must be legal entities with strong ties to the UK. The contract that will be signed is a non-negotiable pre-market procurement instrument used in other SBRI competitions.
Small businesses and woman- and ethnic minority-owned businesses are particularly encouraged to apply.
We will offer two 60 minute virtual Q&A sessions on Wednesday 27th October at 14.00 - 15.00 and Wednesday 3rd November from 15.00 - 16.00 with interested suppliers to answer questions about the tender. Please register by emailing:
About the buyer
Contact name
Government Security Group
70 Whitehall
Share this notice
Closing: 8 November 2021, 5pm