Published date: 9 November 2020
Last edited date: 4 February 2021
This notice was replaced on 27 May 2021
This notice does not contain the most up-to-date information about this procurement. The most recent notice is:
Awarded contract (published 27 May 2021)
Closed opportunity - This means that the contract is currently closed. The buying department may be considering suppliers that have already applied, or no suitable offers were made.
Contract summary
Research and development services and related consultancy services - 73000000
Services related to air pollution - 90731000
Location of contract
United Kingdom
Value of contract
£75,000 to £250,000
Procurement reference
TRN No . 4696/11/2020
Published date
9 November 2020
Closing date
5 February 2021
Closing time
Contract start date
5 April 2021
Contract end date
15 December 2021
Contract type
Service contract
Procedure type
Other: SBRI
Contract is suitable for SMEs?
Contract is suitable for VCSEs?
Notice summary: The supplier must undertake and report on a design study into the development of innovative greenhouse gas removals or greenhouse gas removals enabling technologies that are not associated with afforestation, or habitat restoration.
On 30 July the Prime Minister announced £100 million of funding for research and development into Direct Air Capture (DAC) of carbon dioxide technologies for the UK. As part of this commitment, BEIS is looking to invest up to £70m in DAC and other potential GGR technologies that could be deployed in the UK. This aligns closely with BEIS's wider innovation work to enable the UK to meet its net-zero commitment.
There is still significant uncertainty around many GGR technologies.
1. Royal Society and Royal Academy of Engineering, 2018, Greenhouse Gas Removal. Available from:
Competition Details
The GGR Technologies Innovation Competition is to support the development of innovative greenhouse gas removals technologies. It is to support the development of technologies that are not yet commercial rather than supporting technologies that are already mature. Therefore, the technologies to be developed must be at a technology readiness level (TRL) between 4 and 7 at the start of the project. The ultimate objective is to trial the technologies at pilot scale.
The aim of the GGR Technologies Innovation Competition is to identify, support and then develop credible greenhouse gas removals technologies/enabling technologies bringing about a step change in their development. The competition will be split up into two phases with Phase 1 focusing on an initial design study, followed by Phase 2 which will support a pilot demonstration. Only those applicants who are successful in Phase 1 and have completed their design study may enter into Phase 2. A separate application form will be released before the end of the Phase 1 feasibility study, which will be used to assess applicants for the Phase 2 demonstration study.
More information
- (Pre-commercial SBRI) DPF31 Terms and Conditions June 2018.doc
- Bidding documents
- Introduction to the competition - supplier day presentation.pdf
- Bidding documents
- Role of GGRs in net zero - supplier day presentation.pdf
- Bidding documents
- roundtable summary recommendations.pdf
- Bidding documents
- DAC and GGR competition - Updated Guidance Notes 09Dec2020.docx
- Bidding documents
- DAC and GGR Phase 1 updated application form 8Dec2020.docx
- Bidding documents
- declaration 1 9Dec20.docx
- Bidding documents
- Declaration 2 09Dec20.docx
- Bidding documents
- Declaration 3 09Dec20.docx
- Bidding documents
- Declaration 4 09Dec20.docx
- Bidding documents
- GDPR declaration 09Dec20.xls
- Bidding documents
- GGR - Phase 1 Finance Form 9Dec2020.xlsx
- Bidding documents
- GGR_workbook_V 3.0 updated210115.xlsx
- Bidding documents
- GGR Workbook V3.0 Updated 15Jan21
- GDPR declaration Jan21.xlsx
- Bidding documents
- Updated GDPR Declaration with working drop-down menus
- Revised 01 February Anonymised Q&A.pdf
- Bidding documents
- Revised Q&A V.3 01Feb21
- Preamble instructions for Declaration 4.pdf
- Bidding documents
- Additional instructions for completing Declaration 4
Additional text
How to Apply
If you wish to take part in this competition please see the Tender documents attached to this Notice and send your completed Proposal to Sam Bradley at address stipulated in the "Who to Contact " section.
Any late submissions will not be considered. BEIS reserves the right to halt the procurement process and to not award a contract. BEIS will not be held liable for recovery of costs from unsuccessful bids if a contract is not awarded . If a contract is created it will be upon BEIS Terms and Conditions, which are available on Contracts Finder with this notice. Completed tender submission must be returned by email to by 2pm, 5 February 2021. After reviewing and evaluating the written proposals, BEIS may decide to hold bid clarification meetings with suppliers. If successful and upon contract signature, the supplier is expected to attend a kick-off meeting taking place on week commencing 5 April 2021. Project completion is required by 15 December 2021.
About the buyer
1 Victoria Street
020 7215 0233
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