Published date: 31 May 2018
Last edited date: 31 May 2018
Closed early engagement
Contract summary
Education and training services - 80000000
Location of contract
Any region
Procurement reference
Published date
31 May 2018
Closing date
2 September 2018
Contract is suitable for SMEs?
Contract is suitable for VCSEs?
The purpose of this Early Engagement notice is to initiate market engagement and it is not being used as a call for competition. This PIN is intended to:
1. Inform the market of a potential future procurement process for the Wave 1 T Levels, being commissioned jointly by Department for Education and the Institute for Apprenticeships (and therefore enable the market /suppliers to begin to plan for this); and
2. Advise as to two forthcoming market engagement events which will be held on 10.00am -5.00pm on Monday the 11th June 2018 and Thursday the 14th June 2018, the morning session will be held at ETC venues, One Drummond Gate,Victoria, London SW1V 2QQ . The afternoon session will be held in Sanctuary Buildings, Great Smith Street SW1P 3BT.
See 'Attachments' for a copy of the Prior Information Notice submitted to Tenders Electronic Daily which includes details of how to apply to attend the market engagement events and further details of the procurement process.
More information
- T Levels Qualifications.pdf
- Market studies
- Prior Information Notice submitted to Tenders Electronic Daily
- T Levels engagement instructions.docx
- Market studies
- Market engagement event instructions
Additional text
The services to which this notice relates (and to which any subsequent procurement would relate) are education and training services, for the purposes of the EU Common Procurement Vocabulary (CPV). As such, neither the market engagement event nor any subsequent public procurement exercise are subject to (and nor are the Department for Education and the Institute for Apprenticeships bound by) any of the detailed rules of procedure relating to the procurement of fully regulated services, whether under the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (as amended) or the Concession Contracts Regulations 2016.
The publication of this notice does not signify the commencement of any procurement process, and does not constitute any commitment by the Department for Education and/or the Institute for Apprenticeships to undertake any procurement exercise. In the event that the Department for Education and/or the Institute for Apprenticeships might decide to commence any procurement process as contemplated by this notice, a separate notice will be published at the relevant time.
About the buyer
Department for Education/ Institute for Apprenticeships
Sanctuary Buildings, 20 Great Smith Street
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Closing date: 2 September 2018