Published date: 21 July 2017
Closed opportunity - This means that the contract is currently closed. The buying department may be considering suppliers that have already applied, or no suitable offers were made.
Contract summary
Project management consultancy services - 72224000
Research and development consultancy services - 73200000
Health services - 85100000
Location of contract
Value of contract
£65,000 to £70,000
Procurement reference
Published date
21 July 2017
Closing date
2 August 2017
Contract start date
16 August 2017
Contract end date
20 April 2018
Contract type
Service contract
Procedure type
Open procedure
Any interested supplier may submit a tender in response to an opportunity notice.
Contract is suitable for SMEs?
Contract is suitable for VCSEs?
The aim of this project is:
To tackle London's obesogenic environment by working with high street businesses to generate evidence and learnings about how to positively influence the food provision on London's high streets, to make the healthier choice the easiest choice for people and communities.
Specifically, this project aims to help tackle childhood obesity and health inequalities within London.
This will be achieved through:
1. Using a fair and transparent process to selecting 2 high streets on which to pilot initiatives (to be done by the commissioner in advance)
2. Using largely pre-existing data to understand the challenges, opportunities and assets within a place including Great Weight Debate findings
3. Engaging with businesses or groups of businesses on the selected high streets to ensure participation in the project (providers to include their approach to how they would do this in their bids)
4. Working with partners across London, including the private sector, social entrepreneurs and charities, to generate visible, consumer-facing solutions through an innovation challenge
5. Rapidly piloting and evaluating 2 of the solutions in the London high streets selected, taking a 'whole high street' approach
6. Sharing and communicating the findings for local and policy level impact
More information
- PRJ 503 HLP Healthy High Streets.docx
- Bidding documents
- RFQ document
Additional text
Closing date 12 noon on 2nd August 2017
About the buyer
75-77 Worship Street
Share this notice
Closing: 2 August 2017