Published date: 27 October 2015
Withdrawn early engagement
Contract summary
Legal services - 79100000
Location of contract
Any region
Procurement reference
Published date
27 October 2015
Closing date
23 February 2018
Contract is suitable for SMEs?
Contract is suitable for VCSEs?
It is Government policy that a non-departmental public body (NDPB) should only be set up, or remain in existence, where the model can clearly be evidenced as the most appropriate and cost effective way of delivering the function in question.
To ensure this, the Cabinet Office requires that all NDPBs have to undergo a substantive Review ('Triennial Review) once in a three year cycle. The Review aims to ascertain the continuing need for the NDPB - both its function and form - and, where it is agreed that an NDPB should remain, that it is delivering effectively and has robust control and governance arrangements in place.
In September 2014, a Written Ministerial Statement announced the Review of the Leasehold Advisory Service (LEASE). As part of this Review, the department is required to consider whether the services, currently provided by LEASE, could be delivered through a different commercial model at a lesser cost, or no, cost to the taxpayer.
As part of assessing the future options, this Market Enquiry seeks to establish whether there is potential interest in the wider market place from organisations which are able to provide the services through a different commercial model at a reduced or nil cost to Government. We are particularly interested in new and innovative approaches and how we might develop the services further to provide an improved offer and outcomes.
At this stage in the Review we are interested in all contributions which will inform our analysis and recommendations on the future model and how we proceed.
More information
- 151023 Market Enquiry LEASE (Final).docx
- LEASE Market Enquiry
Additional text
Please note this is exploratory market engagement to ascertain if there is any private or voluntary sector interest in engaging with DCLG in examining possible commercial opportunities for continuing or expanding the services that LEASE provide on a more commercial basis and at a lower cost to Government.
The deadline for responses is 12 noon on Friday 13 November 2015.
About the buyer
Fry Building
2 Marsham Street
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Closing date: 23 February 2018