Published date: 15 May 2020

Last edited date: 15 May 2020

Closed opportunity - This means that the contract is currently closed. The buying department may be considering suppliers that have already applied, or no suitable offers were made.

Closing: 29 May 2020

Contract summary


  • Pharmaceutical products - 33600000

Location of contract

Any region, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, Isle of Man, Channel Islands

Value of contract


Procurement reference


Published date

15 May 2020

Closing date

29 May 2020

Contract start date

15 June 2020

Contract end date

31 January 2021

Contract type

Supply contract

Procedure type

Open procedure (above threshold)

Any interested supplier may submit a tender in response to an opportunity notice.

This procedure can be used for procurements above the relevant contract value threshold.

This is an accelerated procedure.


The Covid-19 outbreak has given rise to an urgent need for the supply of lopinavir/ritonavir - tablets or oral solution; hydroxychloroquine - tablets; dexamethasone - oral solution or tablets and azithromycin -capsules, tablets or oral solution because the authority needs to be in a position to treat the population as required. This does not give the Authority sufficient time to comply with the standard open procedure timescales for this procurement. The authority considers this to be a state of urgency which it has duly substantiated. Accordingly, the authority is using the accelerated time limits permitted under the Public Contract Regulations2015 (Regulation 27(5) for the open procedure) in respect of this procurement.

Contract is suitable for SMEs?


Contract is suitable for VCSEs?



Procurement exercise for a contract for the supply of stockpiled medicines to include: lopinavir/ritonavir- tablets or oral solution; hydroxychloroquine - tablets; dexamethasone - oral solution or tablets and azithromycin - capsules, tablets or oral solution. Deliveries will be required over an initial period between 15thJune and 30 September 2020 with an option to extend for up to an additional 4 months.
The Authority's preferred presentations and strengths of the medicines and alternative presentations and strengths and presentations which may be acceptable, are specified in the procurement documents.

More information


About the buyer


2nd Floor, Rutland House
