Published date: 9 October 2020
Closed opportunity - This means that the contract is currently closed. The buying department may be considering suppliers that have already applied, or no suitable offers were made.
Contract summary
Real estate services - 70000000
Project management consultancy services - 72224000
Recreational, cultural and sporting services - 92000000
Location of contract
Value of contract
£52,500 to £60,000
Procurement reference
Published date
9 October 2020
Closing date
20 October 2020
Closing time
Contract start date
5 November 2020
Contract end date
4 May 2022
Contract type
Service contract
Procedure type
Open procedure (above threshold)
Any interested supplier may submit a tender in response to an opportunity notice.
This procedure can be used for procurements above the relevant contract value threshold.
Contract is suitable for SMEs?
Contract is suitable for VCSEs?
The Council is seeking a suitably qualified and experienced resource to provide client-side project implementation and delivery support related to key cultural-led regeneration projects within Kettering, notably:
a) GLaM (Alfred East Art Gallery, Library and Manor House Museum). This project is entering the final due diligence stage having secured £3m from the Getting Building Fund. Total project value is £3.94m and will deliver transformational capital works across the cluster of buildings, to be completed by March 2022. A lead project manager and associated consultants have been procured and are currently delivering against a tight timeline; and
b) High Street Heritage Action Zone (HSHAZ). Earlier this year Kettering secured funding from Historic England to deliver Kettering High Street Heritage Action Zone, this project worth £4.3m will deliver capital improvements to our historic High Street. Client-side project management and associated consultants have all been appointed and are currently delivering against a 4 year programme.
To ensure the relevant capacity and specialist resource is in place to support the client-side delivery and implementation of these projects the Council is commissioning an additional resource to support in this endeavour.
The resource will work closely with service leads, GLaM and HSHAZ project managers to ensure service needs are met and knitted together across both projects. The expectation is this resource will act of the main point of contact for GLaM within the Council and facilitate the client-side needs accordingly to ensure timescales are met. Additionally, this resource will support the HSHAZ project manager by acting as lead facilitator for the Cultural Consortium which will involve engaging and coordinating the cultural consortium, leading the design and programming for a funding application, as well as, facilitating the delivery implementation should this funding application be successful.
More information
- Part 1 - Information to Tenderers.pdf
- Bidding documents
- Part 1 - General Requirements
- Part 4 - Tender Response Document.docx
- Bidding documents
- Part 4 - Quotation Response
- 02. Part 2 - Specification - GLaM-Cultural Implementation Manager V7.docx
- Bidding documents
- Part 2 - Specification
- 547402 - 546097 - Draft Consultancy Agreement V2RM.pdf
- Bidding documents
- Part 3 - Conditions of Contract
- Cultural Projects Implementation Manager Job Description - Sep-2020 V2.doc
- Bidding documents
- Part 2a - Job Description
Additional text
Please note the procurement key timescales and deadlines that you will be expected to fully observe:
1. Invitation to Quotation published on Contracts Finder - 8th October 2020
2. Deadline for Clarification Questions by the bidders - 12 noon on 15th October 20
3. Deadline for Quotation Responses - 12 noon on 20th October 2020
4. Quotation Evaluation - 21st October 2020
5. Award Decision - 22nd October 2020
6. Proposed Contract Start Date - 5th November 2020
7. Expiry of Contract - 4th May 2022
If you are interested in this procurement opportunity then please send an email to, requesting a copy of the Quotation Documentation.
PLEASE NOTE: Due to COVID19 timescales and deadlines may be subject to change
About the buyer
Bowling Green Road
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Closing: 20 October 2020, 12pm