Published date: 12 July 2022

Last edited date: 18 July 2022

This notice was replaced on 7 September 2022

This notice does not contain the most up-to-date information about this procurement. The most recent notice is:

Awarded contract (published 7 September 2022)

Closed opportunity - This means that the contract is currently closed. The buying department may be considering suppliers that have already applied, or no suitable offers were made.

Contract summary


  • Education and training services - 80000000

Location of contract

East Midlands, West Midlands

Value of contract

£160,000 to £480,000

Procurement reference

BMet 22/23/04

Published date

12 July 2022

Closing date

26 July 2022

Closing time


Contract start date

1 August 2022

Contract end date

31 July 2023

Contract type

Service contract

Procedure type

Single tender action (below threshold)

A direct contract with a single supplier, without competition.

This procedure can be used for procurements below the relevant contract value threshold.

Contract is suitable for SMEs?


Contract is suitable for VCSEs?



A training organisation is required to assist Birmingham Metropolitan college build its capacity to deliver out of area and flexible blended options that will support learners meet the regions specific requirements to support digital upskilling within the region particularly around level 3 coding, cyber security, data protection and analytics all of which there is a significant demand for in the west midlands for job outcomes.

There is also a demand in the midlands for upskilling in business and professional services with a view to progress into management and college provision. This is particularly so with learners in health care sectors where there is a requirement to support the skills development of staff to work in front line roles.

The full request for a quotation with further details of what is required and how to apply is the first document attached to this submission.
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Two documents have to be provided to the College's Company Secretary: the Quotation Form and the PQQ and Due Diligence Form.

The email address to which submission documents should be sent is and the email subject matter should read: Tender Submission re Health Care and Digital

More information


  • Draft Subcontract .doc
  • Contract draft
  • Draft of subcontract required to comply with ESFA and WMCA Funding Rules which will be amended to include details of courses to be provided, costings and agreed variables.

Additional text

Responses to points of clarification.

The PQQ and Due Diligence Form Quality Section requests details of awarding organisations and accreditation and reference to Ofsted status. The Staff section refers to staffing qualifications.

The College will use the information provided in these sections to assess the experience and qualification status of training providers and extent to which what is offered will meet the Funding conditions of the Education and Skills Funding Agency and the West Midlands Combined Authority.

By "online" we mean remote learning with no need for physical attendance and flexibility for the student to learn at any time.

We have no specific cyber security training requirement: A portfolio to pick and choose from is preferable.

About the buyer

Contact name

Stephen Belling


Jennens Road


0121 446 4545 ext 8506

