Published date: 19 October 2020
This notice was replaced on 15 December 2020
This notice does not contain the most up-to-date information about this procurement. The most recent notice is:
Opportunity (published 15 December 2020)
Closed early engagement
Contract summary
Provision of services to the community - 75200000
Other services - 98390000
Location of contract
United Kingdom
Procurement reference
SMV Webinar
Published date
19 October 2020
Closing date
23 October 2020
Contract is suitable for SMEs?
Contract is suitable for VCSEs?
The Asylum & Family Policy Unit within Borders, Immigration and Citizenship System (BICS) and Crime Police and Fire Group (CPFG) within the Home Office are working together to offer grant funding to provide a support net for migrant victims of domestic abuse who do not have recourse to public funds and do not qualify to access a bed space in a refuge or another means of safe accommodation. This funding will be for up to £1.5m for support including bed space. It will be made available by way of a Grant Agreement until 31 March 2021.
We are keen to engage suitable non-profit Providers from the market to assist and help shape details within our Prospectus because this document will subsequently inform the market as to the outcomes for this funding relationship.
A draft Prospectus can be found in the attachments section of this advert and this notice invites those interested parties to an virtual webinar on this future opportunity.
Any interested non-profit organisations who wish to be part of this engagement exercise needs to register their interest to by 12 noon on Wednesday 21 October in order to be part of this event.
More information
- Draft Bid Prospectus (SMV) FINAL.pdf
- Market studies
- draft Bid Propsectus
Additional text
The Home Office invites any non-profit organisation interested in bidding for this competition to be part of a discussion on Thursday 22 October, 10.00 - 11.00am.
The event will be a virtual webinar and should last for approximately 60 minutes. To register your interest please email your contact details to and we welcome up to 2 representatives from an organisation. Each registration will then be provided with joining instructions.
Those non-profit organisation who are unable to register for the discussion may still offer their comments against the draft Prospectus and the deadline for this is Monday 26 October 2020, please send them to with the title "Prospectus comments [organisation name] in the email subject title.
Prospective Bidders should note that being involved in the market engagement is not a pre-requisite to bidding when this future opportunity goes live, and the current working assumption is this competition will go-live on 28 October 2020 and the opportunity will be advertised via Contract Finder. Finally, to assist Bidders in planning the following indicative timetable is provided:
Competition documentation publication: 28 October 2020
Clarification Period: 28 October 2020
Deadline for Tenders: 18 November 2020
Evaluation and Award : w/c 30 November
Service start date: w/c 7 December 2020
Service end date : 31 March 2021
About the buyer
Peel Building, Marsham Street
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