Published date: 6 March 2023
Closed opportunity - This means that the contract is currently closed. The buying department may be considering suppliers that have already applied, or no suitable offers were made.
Contract summary
Education and training services - 80000000
Location of contract
North East, North West, Yorkshire and the Humber, East Midlands, West Midlands, East of England, London, South East, South West
Value of contract
Procurement reference
Published date
6 March 2023
Closing date
31 March 2023
Closing time
Contract start date
1 June 2023
Contract end date
31 March 2025
Contract type
Service contract
Procedure type
Open procedure (below threshold)
Any interested supplier may submit a tender in response to an opportunity notice.
This procedure can be used for procurements below the relevant contract value threshold.
Contract is suitable for SMEs?
Contract is suitable for VCSEs?
The Department for Education (DfE) is inviting applications from Multi-Academy Trusts (MATs) and schools to become a grant-funded Flexible Working Ambassador MAT or School (FWAMS).
Programme Details:
These FWAMS will support the delivery of the DfE's Flexible Working Programme 2023-2025. They will:
- recruit schools ('participant schools') and provide one-to-one coaching on implementing flexible working;
- provide ad-hoc support and advice to other schools;
- create practical resources;
- produce awareness-raising content such as blogs and case studies, and;
- work with the appointed delivery provider, who will be delivering the Department's culture change programme.
The 12 ambassador FWAMS are likely to consist of:
- nine appointed on a regional basis, in line with the Regional Director regions, to offer the opportunity of support to MATs and schools across the country;
- one dedicated to supporting special schools/settings. Applicants for this role must be a special school/trust.
- one dedicated to supporting AP/PRU settings. Applicants for this role must be an Alternative Provision/Pupil Referral Unit;
- one to support schools and MATs in areas of high disadvantage. Applicants for this role must have higher-than-average percentages of pupils eligible for the deprivation pupil premium.
Grant competition timeline:
All queries and clarifications must be submitted via the Jaggaer online message board.
Applications need to be submitted by no later than 12:00 noon on 31 March 2023.
Programme timeline:
If an application is successful, the applicant school will be invited to sign a grant funding agreement lasting for six academic terms.
It is anticipated that the appointment of the Flexible Working Ambassador Multi-Academy Trusts and Schools will take place by the end of May 2023. Delivery will be ongoing until March 2025.
Each FWAMS will receive a grant of £10,000 in the first term of operation (Summer 2023) and then £9,000 per term thereafter, to deliver the required activity.
Walkthrough event:
The DfE will upload a walk through recording to assist applicants in using the Jaggaer system.
More information
- Jaggaer eTendering Portal
Additional text
The programme is school-led and is open to state primary and secondary schools, Multi-Academy Trusts, state-maintained special schools and Alternative Provision/Pupil Referral Unit settings.
Application process:
1. Register for the departmental e-tendering system Jaggaer, which can be accessed via the Jaggaer online portal. Please note that responses can only be submitted in electronic form.
2. Complete the application form and submit your application in Jaggaer by no later than 12:00 noon on Friday 31 March 2023.
3. We will assess your application against the criteria set out in the application guidance.
4. Applications that i) do not meet the published eligibility criteria, or ii) have submitted their application outside of the Jaggaer system, will not be assessed.
The following documents will be available to view in Jaggaer:
- Guidance and Specification
- Application Form (for reference - application to be completed and submitted in Jaggaer)
- Performance Form
The funding is for £55,000 overall. Each FWAMS will receive a grant of £10,000 in the first term of operation (Summer 2023) and then £9,000 per term thereafter, to deliver the required activity.
Additional Information:
The department reserves the right not to enter a formal procurement process and not to proceed with grant award. Accordingly, the department will not be liable for any bid cost, expenditure, work, or effort incurred by any school or other organisation based on this Prior Information Notice.
This grant competition will be run via the departmental e-tendering portal, Jaggaer. It is recommended that to avoid missing out, applicants access this system to register as soon as possible using the link provided above.
All information included in this notice is indicative and may be subject to change. Please note that the department is not bound to enter into any grant agreement. Funding is subject to change at the departments absolute discretion.
About the buyer
20 Great Smith Street
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Closing: 31 March 2023, 12pm