Published date: 16 April 2021
Closed opportunity - This means that the contract is currently closed. The buying department may be considering suppliers that have already applied, or no suitable offers were made.
Contract summary
Education and training services - 80000000
Location of contract
North East, North West, Yorkshire and the Humber, East Midlands, West Midlands, East of England, London, South East, South West
Value of contract
£450,000 to £750,000
Procurement reference
Published date
16 April 2021
Closing date
13 May 2021
Closing time
Contract start date
1 August 2021
Contract end date
31 August 2024
Contract type
Service contract
Procedure type
Other: Grant Competition
Contract is suitable for SMEs?
Contract is suitable for VCSEs?
This competitive exercise is being run by the Department for Education to provide one or more organisations with funding to implement new Anti-bullying support programmes for Schools.
No child should feel afraid of coming to school. Bullying is never acceptable - whether in person or online. Schools should be safe places where children are taught to respect each other and staff. Pupils should understand the value of education and appreciate the impact their actions can have on others. This culture should extend beyond the classroom to the corridors, dining hall and playground, as well as beyond the school gates.
We expect schools to take a strong stand against all forms of bullying. Schools should take action to prevent bullying, and to tackle it at the earliest opportunity when it does occur, so it does not escalate. This is particularly important given the impact it can have on pupils both emotionally and physically. The Department's advice on behaviour and discipline makes clear that having a whole school policy, consistently applied, with clear systems of rewards and sanctions is key to securing good behaviour. Pupils will be happier and achieve more if they are free from disruption and fear of bullying.
The purpose of this funding is to embed practice to help to prevent and tackle bullying in schools, including that of pupils with protected characteristics such as LGBT, SEND, race or religion / and belief or sexual/sexist based bullying. Bids should demonstrate how they will increase the quality of support and information available to schools; ensure support is based on the evidence about what works in this space; and how they will embed practice into other areas such as Relationships, Sex and Health Education.
As a result of this programme, we would expect to see a reduction in the prevalence of bullying, including that of pupils with protected characteristics, as well as increased school confidence and ability to respond to incidents of bullying effectively.
More information
Additional text
This grant competition will be run via the DfE's e-procurement portal, Jaggaer. It is recommended that to avoid missing out, interested organisations register on this system as soon as possible. Links to the site and related guidance can be found via the following above.
About the buyer
Sanctuary Buildings, Great Smith Street
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Closing: 13 May 2021, 12pm