Published date: 25 January 2024
Last edited date: 29 January 2024
This notice was replaced on 4 April 2024
This notice does not contain the most up-to-date information about this procurement. The most recent notice is:
Awarded contract (published 4 April 2024)
Closed opportunity - This means that the contract is currently closed. The buying department may be considering suppliers that have already applied, or no suitable offers were made.
Contract summary
Environmental services - 90700000
Location of contract
East of England
Value of contract
Procurement reference
Published date
25 January 2024
Closing date
22 February 2024
Closing time
Contract start date
1 April 2024
Contract end date
31 March 2026
Contract type
Supply contract
Procedure type
Single tender action (below threshold)
A direct contract with a single supplier, without competition.
This procedure can be used for procurements below the relevant contract value threshold.
Contract is suitable for SMEs?
Contract is suitable for VCSEs?
The existing system
Marine Recorder Online is a cloud-based multitenant marine benthic biodiversity data management system. It has been built as a redevelopment against the niche and use cases of the previous "Marine Recorder" desktop solution. It has been built from the ground up on modern Azure architecture and from a user-story-centric agile approach. It has not necessarily aimed to directly duplicate all functionality within the old application.
The system is used by all of the UK Statutory Nature Conservation Bodies (SNCBs; JNCC, Natural England, NatureScot, Natural Resources Wales, DAERA), along with key marine NGOs, who provide high-quality marine benthic survey evidence for UK reporting.
The online application provides the central collation, storage, querying and dissemination of spatial marine benthic biodiversity from a range of custodians, stored against a consistent data structure and metadata/vocabularies across all organisations to enable both effective active-data management, and cross-organisational interoperable data for large-scale data analyses regardless of the source.
This contract aims to build upon the initial minimum viable product (MVP) release of the "Marine Recorder Online" multi-organisation cloud-based benthic data management (and analysis) solution.
Currently under contract for initial development until March 2024, the initial MVP is expected to be released by 31st March 2024. It is therefore intended that this contract will provide ongoing improvements including implementing tweaks to existing functionality and developing new functionality, as prioritised and agreed by the Marine Recorder Steering Group, comprised of the public and third sector organisations that hold tenancies within the application (henceforth 'custodians').
More information
- Tender Submissions
- Tender notice
- Tender Submission Documents
Additional text
About the buyer
Contact name
Sharon Joyce
Quay House, 2 East Station Road
Fletton Quays
United Kingdom
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