Published date: 10 January 2025

Awarded contract - This means that the contract has been awarded to a supplier.

Closing: 24 May 2024, 12pm

Contract summary


  • Company health services - 85147000

Location of contract

Any region

Value of contract


Procurement reference


Published date

10 January 2025

Closing date

24 May 2024

Closing time


Contract start date

1 December 2024

Contract end date

30 November 2029

Contract type

Service contract

Procedure type

Open procedure (above threshold)

Any interested supplier may submit a tender in response to an opportunity notice.

This procedure can be used for procurements above the relevant contract value threshold.

Contract is suitable for SMEs?


Contract is suitable for VCSEs?



Health and Wellbeing are key priorities for the BBC and underpin our strategic ambition to "make the BBC an even greater place to work for everyone." We are committed to offering wellbeing services that meets the needs of our diverse workforce and the demands of a 24/7 global organisation where people thrive and are able to achieve their full potential.

Our Health & Wellbeing provisions focus on building proactive initiatives and timely support and include an extensive range of information, guidance and access to services to help prevent health issues, protect and promote mental health and get support when needed with the aim of meeting our duty of care to staff and making the BBC a great place to work.

Initiatives increasingly focus on protecting colleagues from developing work related health issues from arising and helping colleagues build resilience through engaging multi-platform solutions that are accessible on-site, online, and remotely in a variety of local languages, considering the diversity and cultural needs of our colleagues.

This Contract Notice invites bids for the following services, represented under 3 lots:

Lot 1: Global Employee Assistance Programme (EAP)

Providing support to UK and internationally based employees. Practical advice and signposting on a range of topics including mental health, wellbeing and trauma support. Provision of confidential support at the point of contact with appropriate assessments and identification of suitable services to BBC employees with personal and / or work related issues that affect their wellbeing and performance at work. Proactive preventative support in helping individuals to address their mental health and wellbeing needs before they develop into more complex and/or long-term health issues.

Lot 2 - Critical Incident Support

On-site or remotely as requested, which provides at a minimum group support sessions for colleagues using the principles of psychological first aid with an understanding of the variety of challenges facing global corporations that may affect the wellbeing of colleagues and 1:1 support for colleagues from appropriately trained professionals who have experience in dealing in psychological first aid.

Lot 3 - Reflective Practice

A service that delivers proactive and preventative measures that help mitigate the impact of risks associated with the type and level of exposure staff members are experiencing in their workplaces which might compromise their psychological wellbeing.
The aim of this service is to reduce the adverse impact of high risk and high exposure work and promote the benefits of this work through evidence based interventions.

The initial contract term will run for a period of 3 years, with two additional optional extension period of 12 months each.

More information

Previous notice about this procurement

BBC Employee Assistance Services

  • Opportunity
  • Published 17 April 2024

Award information

Awarded date

5 November 2024

Contract start date

1 December 2024

Contract end date

30 November 2029

Total value of contract


This contract was awarded to 1 supplier.



Second Floor, 66-68 East Smithfield, Pharmaceutical Building, London. E1W 1AW


No reference - other

Supplier is SME?


Supplier is VCSE?


Additional details

Please note, a contract award was only made for lot 1. The procurement process for lots 2 and 3 was suspended and no awards have been made.

About the buyer

Contact name

Kevin Waters


Broadcasting House, Portland Place
