Published date: 26 July 2021
Awarded contract - This means that the contract has been awarded to a supplier.
Contract summary
Health and social work services - 85000000
Location of contract
East Midlands
Value of contract
Procurement reference
Published date
26 July 2021
Closing date
23 September 2020
Closing time
Contract start date
1 April 2021
Contract end date
31 March 2026
Contract type
Service contract
Procedure type
Open procedure (above threshold)
Any interested supplier may submit a tender in response to an opportunity notice.
This procedure can be used for procurements above the relevant contract value threshold.
Contract is suitable for SMEs?
Contract is suitable for VCSEs?
This is a call for competition. The 3 Leicestershire NHS Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCG's) will be re-commissioning their Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) Service. The Commissioners are planning to procure a lead provider to deliver a Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland (LLR) wide IAPT service from April 2021.
The Commissioners wish to receive responses to the Invitation to Tender (ITT) from suitably qualified and experienced Providers with the necessary capacity and capability (or a demonstrable ability to provide the necessary capacity and capability) to provide the range of services required.
The aim of the service is to offer recommended treatments for depression and anxiety. The IAPT service contributes to the national mental health strategy which aims to:
• Improve the mental health and wellbeing of the population and keep people well.
• Improve outcomes for people with mental health problems through high-quality services that are equally accessible to all - the service will cover the people aged 16 and over who are registered with a Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland GP Practice.
The objectives and expected outcomes are:
• experience of delivering evidence based psychological therapies provision.
• supporting integration of IAPT provision within mental health services at a neighbourhood and place-based level.
• build in the experience and expertise of Third sector organisations to support delivery.
• deliver an accessible service to the diverse communities of Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland.
The Contract shall be for a term of five (5) years from the Service start date with the possibility of extending the term by up to 24 months beyond the initial contracted term at the Commissioners' request. The anticipated contract start date is 1st of April 2021.
The funding for the service will be a 97.5% block funding with 2.5% linked to outcomes in Year 1 increasing to 95% block and 5% linked to outcomes in Year 2 and onwards. This contract has a total value of c£59.74m including extensions (please note that the Commissioners reserve the right to reject bids that exceed the budgetary threshold).
The service will be commissioned via an open type procurement process advertised to all providers which is proportionate to the value and complexity of the service and contract.
The invitation to tender (ITT) will be available from 17th August 2020 on M&L CSU Bravo portal (see below) and it will have a deadline for submissions 23rd September 2020.
Clarifications may be asked during the procurement process up to a week before the ITT deadline on 16th September 2020.
We recommend current providers of similar services, providers who may be interested in providing this service, or other stakeholders who may have an interest in providing this service or parts of the service to register on the MLCSU eProcurement portal Bravo(Jaggaer) to register their interest and get access to the ITT and all the documentation.
More information
Previous notice about this procurement
- Opportunity
- Published 17 August 2020
- LLR IAPT Opportunity Notice FINAL.pdf
- Tender notice
Additional text
"Light Touch Regime" services
This procurement is for clinical services which are Light Touch Regime services for the purpose of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 as specified in Schedule 3 of the Regulations ("Regulations"). Accordingly, the contracting authorities are only bound by those parts of the Regulations detailed in Chapter 3 Particular Procurement Regimes Section 7. The contracting authorities are not voluntarily following any other part of the Regulations.
The procedure which the contracting authorities are following is set out in the tender. As the CCG is a relevant body for the purpose of the National Health Service (Procurement, Patient Choice and Competition) (No 2) Regulations 2013 these Regulations also apply to this procurement.
Right to Cancel
The contracting authority reserves the right to discontinue the procurement process at any time, which shall include the right not to award a contract or contracts, and does not bind itself to accept the lowest tender, or any tender received, and reserves the right to award a contract in part, or to call for new tenders should it consider this necessary. The contracting authority shall not be liable for any costs or expenses incurred by any candidate or tenderer in connection with the completion and return of the information requested in this Contract Notice, or in the completion or submission of any tender, irrespective of the outcome of the competition or if the competition is cancelled or postponed. All dates, time periods and values specified in this notice are provisional and the contracting authority reserves the right to change these
The contracting authority is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA) and the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 (EIR) and may be required to disclose information received in the course of this procurement under FOIA or the EIR. In addition, and in accordance with the UK Government's policies on transparency, the contracting authority intends to publish procurement documentation and the text of any resulting contractual arrangements, subject to possible redactions at the discretion of the contracting authority. Any redactions, whether in relation to information requests under FOIA, the EIR or policies on transparency will be in accordance with those grounds prescribed under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the Environmental Information Regulations 2004. Further information on transparency can be found at:
Award information
Awarded date
31 December 2020
Contract start date
1 April 2021
Contract end date
31 March 2026
Total value of contract
This contract was awarded to 1 supplier.
Vita Health Solutions Limited
Suffolk House, 7 Angel Hill, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP33 1UZ
Companies House number: 03829618
Value of contract
Supplier is SME?
Supplier is VCSE?
About the buyer
Contact name
Paulo Cabral
Anglesey House,Towers Business Park
0121 611 0106
Share this notice
Closing: 23 September 2020, 12pm