Published date: 6 July 2023

This notice was replaced on 30 July 2024

This notice does not contain the most up-to-date information about this procurement. The most recent notice is:

Opportunity (published 30 July 2024, last edited 23 August 2024)

Closed early engagement

Contract summary


  • Food, beverages, tobacco and related products - 15000000

Location of contract

North East, North West, Yorkshire and the Humber, East Midlands, West Midlands, East of England, London, South East, South West, Wales

Procurement reference


Published date

6 July 2023

Closing date

21 July 2023

Contract is suitable for SMEs?


Contract is suitable for VCSEs?



The Ministry of Justice is seeking to engage with the market for the provision of foodstuff to all public sector and in-scope private sector prisons in England and Wales. This is one of the Ministry of Justice's most critical services; foodstuff products are essential for the delivery of three meals per day to Prisoners, as well as providing Prison staff and visitors with food and beverages.

There are over 80,000 prisoners in custody within HMPPS; all of which must have access to three meals per day.

The current delivery model ensures delivery of products direct to prison kitchens where prison staff and prisoners prepare and cook the daily menu options. We are looking to engage with suppliers to understand how the future delivery model can operate to meet the below strategic aims:
The service needs to be able to provide sufficient food for 3 meals a day for each prisoner as well as provisions for staff and visitors that are nutritious and cater to all cultural/ religious/ dietary requirements.
The service must provide food supply to all public prisons, now and over the course of the contract. Private prisons should have the option to draw from the contract as needed.
Food ordered needs to be distributed in line with the necessary security and regime requirements. This includes requirements such as delivery in specific prison gate opening times, no contraband onboard delivery vehicles (e.g. alcohol), and restrictions on vehicle cameras etc.
The service needs to be reliable and able to respond to changing demands, including a growing prison population, operational events and changing meal plans.
Products ordered need to be of good quality and value for money within financial constraints, whilst also aligning to prison service specifications.

We are asking interested providers to complete the following questionnaire:

A virtual market engagement event is proposed to take place on the 31st July to provide further information, and future events will arranged to engage with prospective suppliers. You must complete the above questionnaire to register your interest. The questionnaire closes 5pm 21/07/2023

About the buyer


5 Wellington Place
