Published date: 9 January 2025

Closed early engagement

Closing date: 29 January 2025

Contract summary


  • Software package and information systems - 48000000

Location of contract

East Midlands

Procurement reference


Published date

9 January 2025

Closing date

29 January 2025

Contract is suitable for SMEs?


Contract is suitable for VCSEs?



The University of Nottingham (UoN) requires a Queue Management System Provider (the Provider) to support the Registry and Academic Affairs - replacement for our queue management software

The procurement documents are available for unrestricted and full direct access, free of charge, at

Additional information can be obtained from the above-mentioned address

Where an organisation would like to participate and be invited for the tender opportunity, it shall complete and submit the Preliminary Market Engagement response document to the University by 29th January 2025, 12:00 (Noon). Your organisation must submit the Preliminary Market Engagement response document to the UoN via the UoN's Oracle Fusion Supplier Portal.

This Preliminary Market Engagement (PME) is intended to facilitate early market engagement only and is not a call for competition. The UoN shall not be held liable for any costs whatsoever resulting directly or indirectly from participation in this PME, and is issued to provide and gather information only. The information contained within this PME, or in any communication made between the UoN and any organisation (in relation to this requirement), must not be assumed as creating a contract or agreement.

More information - can be accessed through below tendering portal.

Create Supplier Portal account


or Sign-In to Supplier Portal account (

To view Active Negotiations - Scroll to the 'Supplier Portal' menu option and click the 'Supplier Portal' tile. Click on 'View Active Negotiations' link, under the Tasks panel. Use the search fields to find relevant Negotiations, then click 'Search' (** a value must be provided for at least one of the indicated fields). To search for Active Negotiations where you have not received a direct invitation (i.e. an 'Open' opportunity), select 'No' under the 'Invitation Received' search field, then click 'Search'. The Search Results will display accordingly. Select the Negotiation number hyperlink (N0000012) and access the opportunity.

Additional detail and guidance can be found at (, within the 'Information for suppliers of goods and services' section.

More information

Additional text

More information - can be accessed through below tendering portal.

Create Supplier Portal account


or Sign-In to Supplier Portal account (

To view Active Negotiations - Scroll to the 'Supplier Portal' menu option and click the 'Supplier Portal' tile. Click on 'View Active Negotiations' link, under the Tasks panel. Use the search fields to find relevant Negotiations, then click 'Search' (** a value must be provided for at least one of the indicated fields). To search for Active Negotiations where you have not received a direct invitation (i.e. an 'Open' opportunity), select 'No' under the 'Invitation Received' search field, then click 'Search'. The Search Results will display accordingly. Select the Negotiation number hyperlink (N0000012) and access the opportunity.

Additional detail and guidance can be found at (, within the 'Information for suppliers of goods and services' section.

About the buyer

Contact name

Karella Henegan


Kings Meadow Campus, Lenton Lane



