Published date: 20 February 2020

Awarded contract - This means that the contract has been awarded to a supplier.

Closing: 17 December 2019

Contract summary


  • Architectural and related services - 71200000

  • Architectural, engineering and planning services - 71240000

Location of contract


Value of contract


Procurement reference

T0982 - AWARD

Published date

20 February 2020

Closing date

17 December 2019

Contract start date

23 January 2020

Contract end date

31 July 2020

Contract type

Service contract

Procedure type

Restricted procedure

A two-stage procedure, where the first stage is used to select suppliers, who are then invited to bid in the second stage.

Contract is suitable for SMEs?


Contract is suitable for VCSEs?



The University of East Anglia wishes to appoint Architectural and Master Planning Services for the Union House Floor Project. A detailed outline of the scope of works is included within the Invitation to Tender documentation.

We invite you to submit your total costs to the University as per the timescales detailed below and within the Invitation to Tender documentation. Please note, the UEA Projects Office is closed over Christmas and the New Year and there will be no monitoring of InTend during this time. Due to the Christmas break there are two deadlines for the UEA to respond to queries raised by the associated questions deadline.

Tenders issued from: Sam Haigh
Tender Questions Deadline 1: 1200 hrs Tuesday 17th December 2019
Questions answered Deadline 1: 1500 hrs Thursday 19th December 2019

*PLEASE NOTE* UEA Projects Office Closed during period - queries will not be responded to during this time: Tuesday 24th Dec 2019 - Wednesday 1st Jan 2020 inclusive

Tender submission deadline: 1200 hrs Tuesday 7th January 2020
Tender results announcement: Tuesday 14th January 2020
Planned start date: Start-up meeting 23rd January 2020

N.B. All correspondence regarding the tender procedure should be made through the University of East Anglia In-Tend system via the 'Correspondence' functionality. Failure to do so may result in your correspondence being excluded from the tender process.

Project information:

Project Ref: TBC
Project Name: Student Union House Floor Repairs and Auto Door Replacement
Project Lead: Sam Haigh
Main Contract Type: JCT Minor Works with Contractor Design
Anticipated start on site date: End July 2020
Anticipated construction length: 5 weeks
Award Criteria: 100% Price

File Formats

We advise all suppliers to only submit the following file formats:

All Microsoft Office Files
PDF Files
ZIP files contacting the above files
Jpeg images
Maximum file size = 20MB
No other file types will be accepted unless specified in the tender

Award information

Awarded date

20 February 2020

Contract start date

23 January 2020

Contract end date

31 July 2020

Total value of contract


This contract was awarded to 1 supplier.

LSI Architects (Design) Limited


The Old Drill Hall, 23a Cattle Market Street, Norwich, Norfolk, United Kingdom, NR1 3DY



Supplier is SME?


Supplier is VCSE?


About the buyer

Contact name

David Weekley


University of East Anglia
Norwich Research Park
United Kingdom
