Published date: 2 December 2019

Last edited date: 2 December 2019

This notice was replaced on 12 October 2020

This notice does not contain the most up-to-date information about this procurement. The most recent notice is:

Awarded contract (published 12 October 2020)

Closed opportunity - This means that the contract is currently closed. The buying department may be considering suppliers that have already applied, or no suitable offers were made.

Contract summary


  • Ground-drainage work - 45111240

  • Drainage construction works - 45232450

  • Drainage and surface works - 45232451

    • Drainage works - 45232452

    • Drains construction work - 45232453

    • Drain-laying work - 45332300

Location of contract

South East

Value of contract


Procurement reference


Published date

2 December 2019

Closing date

20 December 2019

Contract start date

1 April 2020

Contract end date

30 September 2021

Contract type


Procedure type

Negotiated procedure

Contract is suitable for SMEs?


Contract is suitable for VCSEs?



Kent County Council (the Employer) is the largest local authority in England covering an area of 3,500 square kilometres. It has an annual expenditure of over £1bn on goods and services and a population of 1.5m. The Employer provides a wide range of personal and strategic services on behalf of its residents, operating in partnership with 12 district councils and 316 parish and town councils.

Starting from the financial year of 2020/21, the Employer has been allocated additional £2m capital funding annually to deliver a backlog of Drainage Schemes throughout the county. To ensure the programme is delivered, the Employer intend to procure a three-contractor framework to supplement its Highway Term Maintenance Contract during this period.

The drainage works consist of the provision of labour/resources, plant and materials to carry out all works associated with the Highway Drainage Maintenance on both highway and non-highway sites.

This could include but is not limited to the following activities:

•Scheme works which may include new surface water drainage systems, including drains, pipe work, culverts, pumping stations, and/or new SUDS retro fit features, manholes/Catchpits, soakaways, gullies, improvement works to ponds and lagoons, etc.
•Routine maintenance
•Replace or repair damaged assets which may include broken pipes, deep bore of existing soakaways, broken covers, manholes, gullies, brickwork including headwalls, damaged culverts, etc.

The successful Contractors will also be expected to undertake traffic management operations associated with the Employer's instruction including permitting/noticing and any design of temporary works required.

Routine maintenance works under £15k will be awarded to the appointed framework contractor in accordance with the framework procedures. These works will be commissioned through the Schedule of Rates awarded in the contract. Schemes or package of schemes over £15k will undergo a mini competition procedure across the three appointed framework contractors before the works are awarded.

The framework will commence in April 2020 and will be for an initial period of 18 months, with potential for a further 12-month extension. The Contractors will provide the services in accordance with Good Industry Practice and comply with the Contract, specifications, British Standards, guides, protocols and codes of practice as updated, amended and superseded from time to time.

The framework will be based on NEC3 Framework Contract (April 2013) with all call off orders and packaged works being based on the NEC3 Term Services Contract (April 2013). The total value of the framework and subsequent call off contracts will be no more than £4.5m over its duration through the three contractors.

Details of this opportunity and where to access the documentation are included below.

More information

Previous notice about this procurement

Drainage Capital Works Framework

  • Opportunity
  • Published 29 November 2019

Additional text

To express an interest in this opportunity and access the relevant documentation, applicants will be required to follow the link:

About the buyer

Contact name

Carolyne Harrington


County Hall
ME14 1XQ



