Published date: 16 December 2020
Last edited date: 1 February 2021
This notice was replaced on 5 February 2021
This notice does not contain the most up-to-date information about this procurement. The most recent notice is:
Awarded contract (published 26 August 2021, last edited 11 January 2024)
Closed early engagement
Contract summary
Adult and other education services - 80400000
Location of contract
Procurement reference
Adult Education Budget 2021/22 Procurement
Published date
16 December 2020
Closing date
18 February 2021
Contract is suitable for SMEs?
Contract is suitable for VCSEs?
The purpose of this market notice is to notify the market of a forthcoming procurement opportunity for delivery of education and training to learners resident in non-devolved areas, through ESFA funded Adult Education Budget (AEB) contracts for services.
Existing ESFA Funded AEB contracts for services will come to an end on 31 July 2021 and will not be extended. As a result, a competitive procurement exercise under the Public Contract Regulations 2015 for ESFA funded AEB contracts for services will open in early 2021. The contracts will start on 1 August 2021 and run for the 2021/22 academic year. Dependent on the outcome of the Further Education reform White paper, the ESFA may include a right to extend the contract for a limited period.
The procurement will be open to providers who are seeking to deliver education and training provision funded by the ESFA AEB. Providers do not need to be listed on the Register of Training Organisations as this is due to be decommissioned. Providers will need to meet the quality standards that will be set out in the procurement documents.
The procurement will fund the following provision:
• Statutory entitlements including first full Level 2 and Level 3 qualifications for learners aged 19-23, English and Maths and digital skills for learners aged 19 and over
• Flexible tailored provision for adults, including qualifications and components of these and/or non-regulated learning, up to level 2, including provision delivered to unemployed learners through a sector-based work academy programme (SWAP)
• Level 3 adult offer
• Support funding including learning and learner support
There are two virtual provider events scheduled to take place week commencing 11 January. For more information and to register to attend please use the links below:
13 January register to attend :
14 January register to attend :
The procurement will open in early 2021. All information about the procurement will be communicated via GOV.UK Contracts Finder and ESFA Update.
More information
- AEB Procurement market engagement QA.xlsx
- Market studies
- AEB procurement market engagement event Q&A
- Market studies
- AEB procurement market engagement event 13.01.2021
- Market studies
- AEB procurement market engagement event 14.01.2021
Additional text
13 January register to attend :
14 January register to attend :
Please copy the links into your browser to register.
About the buyer
Cheylesmore House, Quinton Road
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