Published date: 27 February 2020
Closed future opportunity - This means that a potential contract has passed its approach to market date. A buyer can choose to consider any supplier interest or convert this notice into an opportunity ready for live procurement.
Contract summary
Research and development services and related consultancy services - 73000000
Business and management consultancy and related services - 79400000
Technical and vocational secondary education services - 80210000
Location of contract
North East, North West, Yorkshire and the Humber, East Midlands, West Midlands, East of England, London, South East, South West
Value of contract
£0 to £110,000
Procurement reference
Published date
27 February 2020
Approach to market date
12 March 2020
Contract start date
11 May 2020
Contract end date
31 March 2021
Procedure type
Open procedure (below threshold)
Any interested supplier may submit a tender in response to an opportunity notice.
This procedure can be used for procurements below the relevant contract value threshold.
Contract is suitable for SMEs?
Contract is suitable for VCSEs?
The purpose of the PIN is to initiate market engagement. It is not a call for competition. This PIN is intended to inform the market of a potential future procurement exercise to appoint a supplier to work with the Department on providing the outlined service on a pilot basis to selected Further Education (FE) Colleges.
The FE Colleges Board Reviews Pilot is designed to test the efficacy of increasing the availability of external board capability reviews for the governing boards of FE colleges, and so increase their capacity to offer strong leadership to their colleges.
These external board reviews will be free at the point of use. To ensure that the service is targeted on those college boards which have the greatest need of help, referrals will be made to the supplier via the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) or the Further Education Commissioner (FEC) Team at the Department for Education.
The expected outputs are:
• Around 30 in-depth board capability reviews, which would typically include an assessment of the skills, experience, and development needs of board members, and an analysis of strategic planning, operational structures and working practices, to identify areas for development. The review process would typically include paper analysis, a visit to the college, attendance at a board meeting, and interviews with the clerk, the chair, board members and key college leaders
• Each capability review will be followed by a review report, which sets out the analysis of issues, makes evidence-based recommendations for change and development, and provides a robust action plan to secure the necessary improvements
• A short evaluation report, based on a survey of users
Funding will be available in the financial year from April 2020 to March 2021. A maximum of £110,000 (including VAT) is available for this pilot (up to £100,000 for delivery and up to £10,000 for evaluation). We expect to appoint one supplier.
Bidders will need to provide a tender response for both sections, which will carry weightings of 91%:9% in line with the split of overall funding. The contract will be awarded to the bidder with the highest overall score, but we reserve the right to not award the evaluation portion of the contract if it does not offer value for money when compared to an in-house option.
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) will be derived from the required outputs and from measures of customer satisfaction. They will be finalised with the successful bidder following contract award.
We will be holding a webinar to give some more information and provide an opportunity to ask questions on Thursday 5th March at 14:30 - 15:30. Please email to express your interest and we will send on the invite. All information from the day, including Q&A, will be made available to those who are unable to attend.
More information
Spend profile
Financial year | Budget |
2020/2021 | £110,000 |
Additional text
NB: In this document "colleges" should be taken to refer to ESFA-funded FE college corporations, Sixth Form College corporations (SFCs), and institutions designated as being in the statutory FE sector under section 28 of the Further and Higher Education Act 1992 (designated institutions).
The Further Education Colleges Board Reviews pilot is one of a range of measures designed to support improvement in the practice of FE college boards. Further information can be found in the FE Leadership and Governance press release (dated 27th February 2020) here:[]=department-for-education.
This procurement will be run through Jaggaer, the Department's e-Tendering platform. You must be registered on Jaggaer to view and bid for this opportunity when it is launched. You can register and view opportunities here:
In preparing their tenders, potential suppliers are advised to refer to relevant guidance, including:,, and
About the buyer
Contact name
Annabel Grant
Careers & Further Education Directorate, FE Improvement and Oversight Division
Level 2 St Paul's Place
S1 2FJ
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Approach to market date: 12 March 2020