Published date: 31 October 2016

This notice was replaced on 31 October 2016

This notice does not contain the most up-to-date information about this procurement. The most recent notice is:

Awarded contract (published 8 November 2017, last edited 8 November 2017)

Closed opportunity - This means that the contract is currently closed. The buying department may be considering suppliers that have already applied, or no suitable offers were made.

Contract summary


  • Energy and related services - 71314000

  • Business analysis consultancy services - 72221000

  • Business and management consultancy and related services - 79400000

Location of contract

West Midlands

Value of contract

£120,000 to £150,000

Procurement reference


Published date

31 October 2016

Closing date

19 December 2016

Contract start date

27 January 2017

Contract end date

26 January 2018

Contract type

Service contract

Procedure type


Contract is suitable for SMEs?


Contract is suitable for VCSEs?



The Energy Systems Catapult is procuring a package of professional services / systems engineering and consultancy work whose output will assist stakeholders within the energy community to make better informed strategic, policy, investment and operational decisions.

The supplier(s) will propose the philosophy, principles and broad methodologies by which the energy community can map out transition pathways towards key milestones in the future of the energy sector.

The methodologies proposed must lead to clear and influential conclusions that have value for potential decision makers and embody clearly expressed courses of action for promoting adoption of transition pathways to best deliver future UK energy needs in an affordable, secure and de-carbonised manner.

Additional Information
We believe the task to contain many aspects ranging from technical issues such as model assumptions through to 'soft' issues of trust and presentation of complex information to aid end-user comprehension.

The ESC is seeking responses from a diverse range of suppliers and is seeking innovative ideas relevant to this complex analysis and methodology challenge.

Respondents must possess, or work with others to bring experience of, whole systems analysis as applied to the energy sector, including a knowledge of existing energy scenarios and transition pathways.

About the buyer

Contact name

Jim Owen


7th Floor Cannon House
18 The Priory Queensway
B4 6BS

