Published date: 22 March 2017

This notice was replaced on 28 March 2018

This notice does not contain the most up-to-date information about this procurement. The most recent notice is:

Opportunity (published 28 March 2018)

Closed early engagement

Contract summary


  • Education and training services - 80000000

Location of contract

North East, North West, Yorkshire and the Humber, East Midlands, West Midlands, East of England, London, South East, South West

Procurement reference


Published date

22 March 2017

Closing date

23 February 2018

Contract is suitable for SMEs?


Contract is suitable for VCSEs?



The Ministry of Justice is seeking to establish a multi-lot framework for the provision of education services to those in custody in England. The purpose of this framework is to allow governors within the National Offender Management Service to contract with 1 or more organisations in order to deliver education services within a specified number of locations under their mandate. The National Offender Management Service is an executive agency of the Ministry of Justice responsible for the administration of prison and probation services within England and Wales and will be replaced by Her Majesty's Prison and Probation Service as of the 1.4.2017. In issuing this Prior Information Notice, the Ministry of Justice is seeking to inform the market of this planned procurement with a view to initiating a series of market consultations in the near future.In issuing this Prior Information Notice and seeking to engage with the market, the Ministry of Justice is not compelling itself to conducting this procurement. Non-participation in the aforementioned market consultations will not be taken into account in any future procurement activities and does not preclude any economic operator from submitting a tender in any future competition.

More information


Additional text

The procurement exercise will be run via the BravoSolution esourcing portal. If your organisation is not already registered then we advise you to register using the embedded hyperlink. Crown Commercial Service (CCS) requires tender documentation issued by government departments for contracts exceeding 10 000 GBP over the life of contract are published online at for the general public. The contract awarded as a result of this procurement will be published on this website, subject to the statutory grounds for redaction as set out in the FOI Act 2000.The MoJ reserves the right to reject all or any of the bids for the competition and not to appoint any potential provider, without any liability on its part. Please submit any queries in relation to this procurement via the 'Prison Education Framework - Market Engagement PQQ (PQQ_65)' within Bravo, which is being utilised as a data room for this procurement.

About the buyer

Contact name

Sebastian Ambaye


102 Petty France
