Published date: 22 August 2017
Last edited date: 22 August 2017
This notice was replaced on 23 October 2017
This notice does not contain the most up-to-date information about this procurement. The most recent notice is:
Opportunity (published 23 October 2017)
Closed future opportunity - This means that a potential contract has passed its approach to market date. A buyer can choose to consider any supplier interest or convert this notice into an opportunity ready for live procurement.
Contract summary
Education and training services - 80000000
Adult and other education services - 80400000
Rehabilitation services - 85312500
Location of contract
Any region
Value of contract
Procurement reference
Published date
22 August 2017
Approach to market date
21 September 2017
Contract start date
1 August 2018
Contract end date
31 July 2022
Contract is suitable for SMEs?
Contract is suitable for VCSEs?
The MOJ seeks to use specific Awarding Organisations' qualifications in seven areas of study (English, ESOL, Maths, ICT, Catering and Hospitality, Construction, and Cleaning and Facilities) covering roughly 42% of learning delivery.
As a result, the MOJ will be looking to run a procurement exercise in order to appoint an Awarding Organisation to each specific study area. The awarded contracts will be undertaken as concessions contracts therefore MoJ will not directly pay for the services provided by the selected Awarding Organisations, but instead mandate the use of particular qualifications for successor education providers.
More information
- Tender notice
- BravoSolution esourcing portal
Additional text
The procurement exercise will be run via the BravoSolution esourcing portal. If your organisation is not already registered then we advise you to register using the embedded hyperlink. Crown Commercial Service (CCS) requires tender documentation issued by government departments for contracts exceeding 10 000 GBP over the life of contract are published online at for the general public. The contract awarded as a result of this procurement will be published on this website, subject to the statutory grounds for redaction as set out in the FOI Act 2000.The MoJ reserves the right to reject all or any of the bids for the competition and not to appoint any potential provider, without any liability on its part.
If you are interested in this opportunity or have any further queries, please contact
About the buyer
Contact name
Titilope Agbo
102 Petty France
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