Published date: 1 November 2024
This notice was replaced on 7 January 2025
This notice does not contain the most up-to-date information about this procurement. The most recent notice is:
Awarded contract (published 7 January 2025)
Closed opportunity - This means that the contract is currently closed. The buying department may be considering suppliers that have already applied, or no suitable offers were made.
Contract summary
Repair and maintenance services of building installations - 50700000
Miscellaneous repair and maintenance services - 50800000
Technical building-inspection services - 71631300
Location of contract
South East
Value of contract
£200,000 to £250,000
Procurement reference
Published date
1 November 2024
Closing date
2 December 2024
Closing time
Contract start date
1 February 2025
Contract end date
31 January 2029
Contract type
Service contract
Procedure type
Other: Single-stage procedure
Contract is suitable for SMEs?
Contract is suitable for VCSEs?
The University is seeking suitably experienced and qualified tenderers to fulfil it's requirements for inspections, equipment servicing, maintenance and training. The University's fall protection systems are located at the University of Southampton's campuses, Halls of Residence and other nearby satellite sites where Estates and Facilities are responsible for the maintenance of buildings.
The University proposes to enter into a Contract for five-years - this will be the maximum contract period, including any potential extensions with the successful tenderer.
How to obtain Tender Documents:
The Tender documents can be access when logged into In-Tend by selecting 'View Details' on the relevant tender advert and c licking the 'Express Interest' tab. Once in the tender there are five tabs - 'Tender', 'ITT', 'Correspondence', 'Clarifications' and 'History'. Select the 2nd tab ('ITT') where you will find useful information under 'Tender Details'. Continue to scroll down to the heading 'Tender Documents Received' where you will be able to view/download the documents.
Please download all the documents and read very carefully.
Note that the return documents Tenderers must submit with their tender response are:
- File 6 - Compliance and Selection Requirements Workbook;
- File 7 - Qualitative Response Requirements Workbook;
- File 8 - Commercial Response Requirements Workbook; and
- File 9 - Additional Response Requirements Workbook
For clarification requests, please use the table provided in File 3 - Invitation to Tender Schedules and submit the document via the Correspondence function.
Opting In and Opting Out
Please note you are required to 'Opt In' before you can access the full tender document set
The 'Opt Out' functionality will also be available throughout the duration of the tender process. Opting out will give you the option of declaring you no longer want to receive any further communication in relation to this tender.
Further guidance on how to use In-Tend can be found on the portal under the 'Help' button.
Please note, the University of Southampton no longer meets the criteria of a 'body governed by public law' and is therefore not considered a contracting authority for the purposes of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 and/or any replacement legislation. This procurement process is not regulated by UK (or EU) public procurement law.
Where the University of Southampton advertises contracts, through any public sector tender portal, it does so on a voluntary basis by way of transparency and to encourage open competition, but it is not required to comply with the procurement legislation. For the purpose of procuring the goods/services described, the University is acting in accordance with its internal financial regulations and the procedure detailed in the Invitation to Tender document set.
About the buyer
Contact name
Amy Hands
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