Published date: 13 July 2017
Last edited date: 13 July 2017
Awarded contract - This means that the contract has been awarded to a supplier.
Contract summary
Foreign economic-aid-related services - 75211200
Location of contract
Any region
Value of contract
Procurement reference
DFID 7805 - Contract
Published date
13 July 2017
Closing date
20 January 2017
Contract start date
2 May 2017
Contract end date
24 October 2020
Contract type
Service contract
Procedure type
Not applicable
Contract is suitable for SMEs?
Contract is suitable for VCSEs?
DFID is primarily interested to learn how well the programme has performed but also about what sort of education sector support works to improve education systems, what the relative contribution of different components of DFID support has been, and what the unintended effects of these programmes, if any, may have been. This learning is mainly relevant to Pakistan but could be applicable in other contexts too. This would help DFID and partner governments design better education programmes. The evaluation will look at the overall performance KESP and its contribution to towards the achievement of the logframe and ESP goals. DFID is interested in evaluating the entire programme to capture how the various components (sector budget support, technical assistance and infrastructure) and strands (teaching and learning, better school facilities, equity and access, and management) of the programme contribute to the final outcome and what linkages between components as well as strands work best to produce results.
More information
- PO 7805 - Evaluation of KESP Section 1.pdf
- Signed contract
- DFID 7805 Contract Section 1
- PO 7805 - Evaluation of KESP Section 2.pdf
- Signed contract
- DFID 7805 Contract Section 2
Award information
Awarded date
1 May 2017
Contract start date
2 May 2017
Contract end date
24 October 2020
Total value of contract
This contract was awarded to 1 supplier.
Ecorys UK Ltd
5th Floor, Queen Elizabeth House
4 St Dunstan's Hill
United KingdomReference
Supplier is SME?
Supplier is VCSE?
About the buyer
Contact name
Public Enquiry Point
Department for International Development (DFID)
Abercrombie House, Eaglesham Road
East Kilbride
G75 8EA
+44 (0)1355 843132
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Closing: 20 January 2017