Published date: 9 October 2019

Closed early engagement

Closing date: 20 December 2019

Contract summary


  • Training services - 80500000

Location of contract

TR15 3QG

Procurement reference

AMLAG 02 10/19

Published date

9 October 2019

Closing date

20 December 2019

Contract is suitable for SMEs?


Contract is suitable for VCSEs?



Due to the lower levels of self-employment across the AMLAG area and the need to source alternative income it is proposed to identify and support projects that will enable the growth of self-employment in the AMLAG area.
There are two key themes to this call that aim to stimulate and support entrepreneurship across the Core areas of AMLAG.

Applicants should consider how they will support the development of new entrepreneurs (including 'soft skills' development where required for eligible participants) as well as helping businesses less than 12 months old to develop further. Projects that support one or the other are also welcomed, but a combined approach is preferable.

Partnership working and co-design approaches are encouraged, including genuine linking with local organisations to support engagement and/or legacy activities.

Demonstration of innovative thinking in the applicant's exit strategy will be a priority.

Route to self-employment:
Projects are encouraged that raise aspiration in eligible beneficiaries and recruit them to a course (minimum of 24 hours interaction) where they will learn how to establish a business.

Beneficiaries of the project may currently be in employment elsewhere, unemployed or economically inactive.

Additional Skills Development, where applicable:
Funding can also be requested as part of the same project where the delivery of wider skills is required for currently unemployed or economically inactive beneficiaries (Participants), e.g. soft skills, financial capability, etc where this leads to them completing the self-employment training.

Following the soft skills training at least 50% of participants will be supported into further training (including the self-employment training), job seeking or employment.

Support for new enterprises less than 12 months old:
Projects are sought that provide a level of support that will enable new businesses to develop; this may include businesses that have been established following the 'Route to self-employment' support.

Applicants must offer eligible business owners a minimum of 12 hours direct support.

(Please note: All Support given must be a minimum of 12 hours; however, the LAG would wish to see programmes that provide more than this where possible)

Indicatively, the Local Action Group has allocated the following amount:
Supporting potential entrepreneurs:
£250,000 ERDF
Skills development:
£50,000 ESF (soft skills support where needed)
ERDF and ESF investment in the CLLD target areas is intended to make a significant impact on local employment, skills and enterprise.
It is anticipated that a maximum of 2 projects will be supported to deliver this activity across AMLAG. This is due to the need to strategically coordinate delivery and reduce the risk of overlapping or potential duplication.
The minimum application level for funding is £30,000

See the Call Proposal for more details

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About the buyer


Station Road

