Published date: 22 March 2022
This notice was replaced on 13 September 2023
This notice does not contain the most up-to-date information about this procurement. The most recent notice is:
Opportunity (published 13 September 2023, last edited 13 September 2023)
Closed early engagement
Contract summary
Services related to the detention or rehabilitation of criminals - 75231200
Career guidance services - 79634000
Library management services - 79995000
Education and training services - 80000000
Secondary education services - 80200000
Technical and vocational secondary education services - 80210000
Technical secondary education services - 80211000
Vocational secondary education services - 80212000
Higher education services - 80300000
Adult and other education services - 80400000
E-learning services - 80420000
Operation of an educational centre - 80490000
Training services - 80500000
Vocational training services - 80530000
Industrial and technical training services - 80531000
Industrial training services - 80531100
Technical training services - 80531200
Management training services - 80532000
Computer-user familiarisation and training services - 80533000
Computer training services - 80533100
Environmental training services - 80540000
Safety training services - 80550000
Health and first-aid training services - 80560000
Health training services - 80561000
First-aid training services - 80562000
Personal development training services - 80570000
Provision of language courses - 80580000
Library services - 92511000
Location of contract
North East, North West, Yorkshire and the Humber, East Midlands, West Midlands, East of England, London, South East, South West
Procurement reference
Published date
22 March 2022
Closing date
21 March 2023
Contract is suitable for SMEs?
Contract is suitable for VCSEs?
Her Majesty's Prison and Probation Service (HMPPS) is establishing the Government's vision to deliver a Prisoner Education Service which equips prisoners with the numeracy, literacy, skills and qualifications they need to get jobs or apprenticeships after they leave custody. We will therefore be seeking to procure new contracts to deliver education services in prisons across England.
Our vision is that everyone of working age and able to work should leave prison prepared for employment or further education and training. The new service will therefore expand the scope of 'prison education', bringing together areas of learning, skills and work into one transformative service. This will facilitate better outcomes for prisoners on release and ultimately contribute to reducing reoffending.
To achieve this vision, we are seeking to procure new education contracts by engaging with a diverse range of providers and suppliers that can offer prisoners a range of learning opportunities.
In issuing this Prior Information Notice, the MoJ is seeking to inform the market of this planned procurement with a view to initiating a series of market consultations in the near future.
The MoJ intends to hold a market engagement launch event on 26th April 10:45 to 12:15 via MS Teams webinar.
To register your interest for the market engagement launch event on the 26th April 2022, please register on Jaggaer (if not already registered) as follows:
1) Creating an account or logging into the MoJ eSourcing portal at:
2) Within the portal users can navigate using the left side menu, selecting 'PQQs Open to All Suppliers' or 'My PQQ's' if already registered and then selecting 'PQQ_285 - Engagement Opportunity: Prison Education'.
3) Users can express an interest by clicking 'Express interest'.
The attachments area of the PQQ contains an invitation registration to the Market Engagement Launch Event.
For the avoidance of doubt, the use of a Pre-Qualification Questionnaire (PQQ) is used solely for the purposes of expressions of interest and to act as a system mechanism for sharing information and communicating with interested parties. There is no requirement to complete a questionnaire or submit information.
This notice relates to an engagement opportunity and is not a call for competition or an invitation to take part in pre-qualification proceedings.
Enquiries relating to the exercise should be directed to
For technical assistance with the MoJ eSourcing Portal please contact the central support team using the details provided on the portal homepage.
More information
Additional text
The purpose of this engagement is to secure wider market involvement in the testing and development of a new Prisoner Education Service in the HMPPS Prison Estate in England. MoJ is seeking to assess the level of interest, capability and capacity of a wide range of education providers to deliver the new service.
The procurement of these education services will cover the full scope of Prison education and all associated services. A procurement process is anticipated to commence in Spring 2023.
The Authority plans to hold a launch event to start the market engagement via MS Teams on 26th April 2022 from 10:45 - 12:15. This will include more specific information on service objectives and requirements. There will be an opportunity to ask questions during the live event as well as at any time afterwards.
Suppliers must register to the MoJ eProcurement Jaggaer platform [], to register to the Launch event and, when available, to access further information on the Prisoner Education Service and background to working with the Prison Service. All suppliers must be registered on Jaggaer to receive this information.
The Market Engagement Launch event will be presented by Sarah McKnight (Deputy Director for Reducing Reoffending) who will be joined by Amy Rees (Director General for Probation, Wales, and Youth) to set out our vision for improving prison education, skills and work provision. Suppliers attending the event will gain a better understanding of how they can engage with and participate in the next stages of the market engagement process (see below).
This will include additional subject specific supplier webinars, one-to-one meetings and questionnaires that will take place. Topics we would like to hear suppliers' views on may include but are not limited to: providing a curriculum which meet the needs of people in prison; strengthening links between education, skills and employment; and innovation and best practice within education provision in the community.
We are very interested to hear suppliers' views throughout this process to enable us to shape new procurement and contracting arrangements that will improve performance, quality learner engagement and value for money.
We reserve the right to supplement and vary the conduct of the market engagement process. Where we do this, we will act transparently and treat all suppliers who have expressed an interest equally.
About the buyer
Contact name
Ministry of Justice.
102 Petty France
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