Published date: 29 June 2020

This notice was replaced on 1 July 2020

This notice does not contain the most up-to-date information about this procurement. The most recent notice is:

Early engagement (published 1 July 2020, last edited 1 July 2020)

Closed early engagement

Contract summary


  • IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support - 72000000

Location of contract

United Kingdom

Procurement reference


Published date

29 June 2020

Closing date

15 July 2020

Contract is suitable for SMEs?


Contract is suitable for VCSEs?



Bradford Metropolitan District Council would like to look at opportunities to install a Chatbot on our website www.Bradford.Gov.UK, to enable residents to find the answers to their questions on our website more easily. We would like to reduce the need for the Customer to telephone our Contact Centre or visit Council Offices. The Council would like to increase efficiency and make costs savings whilst ensure customer service experience does not suffer

The Council is undertaking this pre-procurement engagement exercise to establish the current options available of suitable solutions. This document summarises the Corporate Information Governance team's requirements.

Following pre-procurement engagement the Council will decide whether to proceed to a full procurement exercise.

Suppliers who return the Expression of Interest (EOI) may be required to attend a system demo / question and answer session. The dates and times of the session will be notified via the YOR tender portal once the EOI returns have been received and reviewed. In light of the current circumstances any demo/question & answer sessions will likely to be held remotely via video conferencing.

About the buyer

Contact name

Catherine Mullins


Britannia House
Hall Ings
United Kingdom

