Published date: 30 May 2017
Last edited date: 30 May 2017
Awarded contract - This means that the contract has been awarded to a supplier.
Contract summary
Customer services - 79342300
Recruitment services - 79600000
Education and training services - 80000000
Services furnished by business, professional and specialist organisations - 98110000
Location of contract
Any region
Value of contract
Procurement reference
Published date
30 May 2017
Closing date
20 February 2017
Contract start date
15 March 2017
Contract end date
16 June 2017
Contract type
Supply contract
Procedure type
Open procedure
Any interested supplier may submit a tender in response to an opportunity notice.
Contract is suitable for SMEs?
Contract is suitable for VCSEs?
The Post-16 Skills Plan published on 8 July 2016, outlines the Government's vision for technical education. The provision of work placements will be an integral part of the new reforms, because they will be critical to ensuring that young people on predominately classroom-based courses can develop the range of knowledge, skills and behaviours required for skilled employment in their field of study.
These technical reforms represent a major shift in practice for the post-16 sector: providers will be expected to increase the availability of work placements for a large proportion of their learners as well as offer more substantial placements, expected to last between 1 and 3 months (somewhere between 140 and 460 hours).
We seek an organisation to work with employers and post-16 institutions to design work placement projects to be tested in academic year 17/18. A substantial part of the work will be working with employers and post-16 institutions to identify what good substantial work placements look like, how to go about designing and setting them up and how effective work placements practice can vary by occupational area, to support employers and colleges to make this step change at the scale needed.
More information
Previous notice about this procurement
- Opportunity
- Published 19 January 2017
- 578 Technical Education Work Placements Pilot Project contract.pdf
- Tender notice
- Contract
Additional text
The invitation to bid will be launched and managed through the NCTL e-procurement system, REDIMO2. Bidders who are not already registered on REDIMO2, will need to register their company details on the NCTL e-procurement portal in order to access this tender opportunity. Information about how to register is available at
Award information
Awarded date
15 March 2017
Contract start date
16 March 2017
Contract end date
31 July 2017
Total value of contract
This contract was awarded to 1 supplier.
Jon Yates
The Challenge, 9 York Road, London, SE1 7NS
Supplier is SME?
Supplier is VCSE?
About the buyer
Contact name
Kate Haseler-Young
2 St Paul's Place,
S1 2FJ
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Closing: 20 February 2017