Published date: 27 September 2017

Last edited date: 27 September 2017

Closed opportunity - This means that the contract is currently closed. The buying department may be considering suppliers that have already applied, or no suitable offers were made.

Closing: 30 October 2017

Contract summary


  • Software package and information systems - 48000000

  • Software programming and consultancy services - 72200000

Location of contract

North West

Value of contract

£2,000,000 to £3,000,000

Procurement reference


Published date

27 September 2017

Closing date

30 October 2017

Contract start date

6 August 2018

Contract end date

4 August 2023

Contract type

Service contract

Procedure type

Competitive dialogue (above threshold)

Tenders are invited from pre-qualified suppliers after discussion of requirements and potential solutions.

This procedure can be used for procurements above the relevant contract value threshold.

Contract is suitable for SMEs?


Contract is suitable for VCSEs?



Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust is inviting providers to deliver a Digital Control Centre based at Stott Lane in Salford, Manchester.

Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust is looking to the future of healthcare and wants to establish a Digital Control Centre, bringing the latest advances in data analytics and digital health to achieve a world-leading organisation which has operational excellence, the best quality healthcare and patient experience across the entire organisation which also includes social care.

More information

Additional text

Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust is inviting providers to deliver a Digital Control Centre based at Stott Lane in Salford, Manchester.

Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust is looking to the future of healthcare and wants to establish a Digital Control Centre, bringing the latest advances in data analytics and digital health to achieve a world-leading organisation which has operational excellence, the best quality healthcare and patient experience across the entire organisation which also includes social care.
Salford Royal NHS Foundation University Teaching Trust (SRFT) is a highly regarded integrated provider of hospital, community and primary care services Trust. Our team of 7,000 staff provides local services to the City of Salford and specialist services to Greater Manchester and beyond.
We are an Outstanding Trust - the first Trust in the North of England to achieve the highest rating given by the Care Quality Commission and are leading innovative new models of care achieving national vanguard status twice; for the development of an Acute Care Group and an Integrated Care Organisation.
Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust (SRFT) is currently in an enviable position as one of the most digitally mature Trusts in England as measured by the NHS England Digital Maturity Index and has recently been chosen as a Centre for Global Digital Exemplar (GDE). The GDEs will trail blaze new ways of using digital technology to drive radical improvements in the care of patients.
Building on this, Salford Royal is looking to the future of healthcare and wants to establish a Digital Control Centre, bringing the latest advances in data analytics and digital health to achieve a world-leading organisation which has operational excellence, the best quality healthcare and patient experience across the entire organization which also includes social care.
Salford Royal will be the Test Bed for the Digital Control Centre with an opportunity to scale across Group and potentially across the rest of the NHS.
Potential Providers are also asked to read and download all documents associated with this notice which are attached as follows: SQ document, Appendix A Conflict of Interest (within the main SQ) Appendix B - Financial Ratio (For completion), Appendix C - CQ Template, Appendix D - Executive Summary and Appendix E - Information from the previous Market Engagement Day.
Bidders are asked to complete the Selection Questionnaire (SQ) by downloading the documents and relevant Appendices on the EU Supply Website and looking for reference no 28482 (CLB/SRFT/508/17-18). The EU Supply website is: For support registering on EU Supply please contact the e-Tendering help desk on 0800 840 2050 or

About the buyer

Contact name

Claire Barnes


Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust
Turnpike House
Eccles New Road, Salford
M50 1SY
