Published date: 24 October 2022
Last edited date: 8 February 2023
Closed future opportunity - This means that a potential contract has passed its approach to market date. A buyer can choose to consider any supplier interest or convert this notice into an opportunity ready for live procurement.
Contract summary
IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support - 72000000
Location of contract
Any region
Value of contract
Procurement reference
Published date
24 October 2022
Approach to market date
7 February 2023
Contract start date
23 June 2023
Contract end date
23 June 2028
Contract is suitable for SMEs?
Contract is suitable for VCSEs?
Supply Chain Coordination Limited (SCCL) is a government organisation that acts as the management function for the NHS Supply Chain. SCCL is responsible for driving commercial objectives, managing Category Management Service Providers, and enabling services whilst overseeing continuous improvement.
By 2022/2023 we aim to save the NHS £2.4bn by leveraging the scale of the NHS to drive savings and provide a standardised range of quality assured clinical products that meet the diverse needs of the NHS across all areas.
NHS Supply Chain provides a leading procurement and supply chain services to hospitals and healthcare providers, to help leverage national expenditure whilst providing a resilient, sustainable national supply chain. The organisation is at exciting cross-roads, having recently defined a new 10-year vision to enable it to better meet the needs of the NHS and bring its value proposition to a broader range of healthcare
providers. It currently provides (B2B) services to almost all Trusts in England, as well as operating a small but critical and growing home delivery (B2B2C) business. This increased diversity of customers lays the foundations for future requirements for the business, as healthcare becomes more integrated regionally, through integrated care systems (ICS).
NHS Supply Chain captures customer demand through a range of solutions including a core catalogue, EDI order feeds, through a forecast driven automated replenishment model, and through orders triggered by inventory usage (e.g., in theatres for high value products). Some of these solutions are over 30 years old, unstable, aren't flexible and are unable to adapt to our strategy or external changes.
The organisation is at a relatively early stage of a 3 - 5 year transformation to re-platform its core Front Office and Digital Commerce solutions, and dramatically improve the user experience and interface to offer an experience which is comparable to those offered by for example leading retailers. NHS Supply Chain's
mission is to provide the NHS with a modern and intuitive ordering experience to increase Customer satisfaction, make it easier for the NHS to put Patients first and be flexible to adapt to the changing needs of the NHS. Modernisation is also an imperative part of our longer-term vision to be easy to work with and enable further adoption of NHS Supply Chain's services.
In order to deliver upon the Mission, NHS Supply Chain are seeking an eCommerce Solution and Delivery partner to provide a single tailored and intuitive ordering platform, managing personalised content delivery across web and mobile channels whilst supporting integration with Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) and 3rd
party platforms.
The value of the contract is anticipated to be circa £10,000,000 over 5 years.
This notice is for information only. The purpose of this notice is to inform the market of the forthcoming procurement.
More information
- Link to NHS Supply Chain eProcurement Portal
- Find a Tender Publication reference: 2022/S 000-029875
Additional text
This notice is for information only. The purpose of this notice is to inform the market of the forthcoming procurement. Further information will be available once the formal procurement process commences.
Suppliers should Express Interest to indicate if they would wish to participate in a future procurement for this requirement. Interested parties are advised to express their interest in accordance with the information provided within the Prior Information Notice URL: This does not create any obligations on the part of the Authority. No response is required beyond the Expression of Interest.
This notice is for information only and SCCL, as the Authority, reserves the right to not proceed to tender.
Additionally, SCCL reserves the right to discontinue the tendering process and not to award the contract.
The commencement of the formal procurement process will be the subject of a separate notice (Contract Notice). Potential Providers should note that they will need to respond to the Contract Notice at the appropriate time.
Please note that the date of the Find a Tender Service Contract Notice is subject to change.
UK Procurement opportunities are now published on the new UK Find a Tender Service (FTS) and Contracts Finder, therefore, please monitor those sites for the notification of the release of the documents for this procurement.
The information contained in this notice, including information relating to the nature and scope of SCCL's requirements, the service classification of this requirement or the list of CPV codes, is only indicative of current thinking and is neither exhaustive nor binding and SCCL reserves the right at its absolute discretion to amend it at the time of issue of any further notice or notices or at any other time.
About the buyer
Contact name
Supply Chain Coordination Limited (SCCL) - the management function of NHS Supply Chain
Wellington House, 133 - 155 Waterloo Road
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Approach to market date: 7 February 2023