Published date: 8 May 2015

Closed opportunity - This means that the contract is currently closed. The buying department may be considering suppliers that have already applied, or no suitable offers were made.

Closing: 8 June 2015

Contract summary


  • Judicial services - 75231000

Location of contract

Any region

Value of contract


Procurement reference

4660-2- Reducing Reoffending

Published date

8 May 2015

Closing date

8 June 2015

Contract start date

13 July 2015

Contract end date

31 March 2016

Contract type

Not applicable

Procedure type

Not applicable

Contract is suitable for SMEs?


Contract is suitable for VCSEs?



Description Overview:

NOMS are inviting expressions of interest for a Grant Award to support an organisation with work in relation to the use of force used on Black and Muslim prisoners within custody. NOMS data shows that both groups are disproportionately high within this area.

The scope of the grant is broadly as follows:

1. NOMS commissioning intentions include provision to commission services which will "enhance public protection and ensure a safe, decent environment and rehabilitative culture". The aim of this grant is to test a self development intervention to identify the reasons why Black and Muslim prisoners are involved disproportionately in incidents which result in use of force and how this can be reduced.

2. The funding seeks to enable the following outcomes:

a) To understand the reasons why Black and Muslim prisoners are more involved in use of force incidents, through a self development intervention.
b) To work with individuals to identify the causes, reduce their involvement in these incidents and improve behaviour whilst in custody looking at a prisoner's experience within custody and whether how they feel perceptions or pressures associated with their protected characteristics may have affected them and influenced their behaviour.
c) To produce a "Commissioning Resource Pack" which enables best practice where identified and how this can be replicated, through data gathered during the lifetime of the grant.
d) To test the self development intervention within 3 prisons nationally, as agreed between the provider and NOMS, one working with Black prisoners, one working with Muslim prisoners and one working with a mixed group of Black and Muslim prisoners.
e) To use qualitative research throughout the grant to evaluate the effects on behaviour of the self development intervention, including tracking prisoners during and after the intervention.
f) To measure whether the intervention has led to a reduction in disproportionality for Black and Muslim prisoners involved in use of force incidents, before and after the intervention, as evidenced on the NOMS Equality Monitoring Tool.

Please find further details in the attached Scoping Document.

More information


Additional text

How to apply
The Ministry of Justice will be performing this event through its eSourcing Portal.
The eSourcing Portal is an online application that allows all potential suppliers to create and submit their responses to any Requests for Information (RFI), Requests for Quotes (RFQ), or Requests for Proposals (RFP) via the internet rather than in paper form (where they have been invited to respond).

If you are not registered on the eSourcing Portal please send an email to the relevant buyer, or alternatively to stating: Company Name; Your Name; Contact email; Contact phone number: Sourcing Reference Number: 4660 -2-Reducing Reoffending-SE-RFI.

The buyer or an individual associated with the sourcing event will then contact you with the registration process. If you are already registered on the eSourcing Portal please contact either the relevant Buyer or the expressing your interest in the sourcing event.

The RFI event will be available on the Emptoris e-Sourcing portal from Friday 8th May 2015. This will give you access to all of the relevant documents, instructions and application form.

The application process is due to close at 12:00 noon on 8th June 2015.
Bidders should allow sufficient time to register their interest, prior to the RFI submission deadline on 8th June 2015.

If you have any technical problems while registering or using Emptoris you should contact Further information is also available at If you have any questions regarding the process or criteria, you should contact

About the buyer

Contact name

Shiffiel Dickson


Ministry of Justice, Clive House
70 petty France
