Published date: 23 January 2020

Last edited date: 22 May 2023

Closed opportunity - This means that the contract is currently closed. The buying department may be considering suppliers that have already applied, or no suitable offers were made.

Closing: 20 January 2024, 12pm

Contract summary


  • Medical practice services - 85121000

Location of contract

United Kingdom, Isle of Man, Channel Islands

Value of contract

£0 to £1

Procurement reference


Published date

23 January 2020

Closing date

20 January 2024

Closing time


Contract start date

21 January 2024

Contract end date

22 January 2024

Contract type

Service contract

Procedure type

Restricted procedure (above threshold)

A two-stage procedure, where the first stage is used to select suppliers, who are then invited to bid in the second stage.

This procedure can be used for procurements above the relevant contract value threshold.

Contract is suitable for SMEs?


Contract is suitable for VCSEs?



NHS England has set up an online platform called Pseudo Dynamic Purchasing System (PDPS) to help streamline the process of procurement of primary care services in England.
This PDPS is an electronically managed list of pre-approved (accredited) providers which local commissioners can use to call-off and award Alternative Provider Medical Services (APMS) contracts - usually following a bid evaluation process.

The system is intended to simplify the procurement process by maintaining a directory of accredited providers who can be invited to bid at any time when the requirements arise. Under limited circumstances the system also allows direct awards when the relevant requirements are met.
This website hosts relevant information about the PDPS for both the Providers who may wish to join the platform or are already on the platform as well as the Commissioners who may wish to use the platform to procure primary care services using an APMS contract.


This PDPS is split into Lots differentiating between:

Lot 1: Substantive APMS contracts - generally longer-term contracts for the delivery of primary medical services.

This Lot supports procurement plans for replacing existing or securing additional GP services and covers the core list-based services expected from all GP practices in England.
The emphasis here is on meeting planned needs that are typically subject to full commissioning and procurement processes. APMS contracts awarded will reflect the bespoke needs of each local commissioner.

Lot 2: GP Caretaker service contracts - generally urgent short-term APMS contracts for a step-in provider of primary medical services.
This Lot seeks to support urgent cover arrangements, approved by primary care commissioning committees, on a case by case basis, to ensure a safe and sustainable GP service continues for patients when a GP contract terminates suddenly or unexpectedly.
Each Lot is broken down into 7 Sub-Lots by geographical region. Applicants (Providers) are asked to confirm their Lot and Sub-Lot interest as part of their PDPS Application.
When the requirements arise, call-Off procurements will be run within specific Sub-Lots and only the accredited Providers listed on the PDPS in the relevant Sub-Lot in will be invited to submit tender responses.

Application Rounds - Timetable

The PDPS will remain open for four (4) years until 19 January 2024 and providers can apply for accreditation at any time. For the purposes of organisation of applications and evaluations, the timeline is divided into 'Rounds'. In each application Round bidders who apply, will be evaluated and where successful accredited on the PDPS in line with the published timetable.
Please refer to the PDPS webpage for detailed timeline:

More information


Additional text

Bidding for contracts

Providers may bid for specific contracts when local commissioners use the system to procure APMS contracts in their geographical areas. When a requirement arises, an optional Prior Information Notice (PIN) may be published to inform the market of the forthcoming opportunity so that any providers who are not already on the PDPS may register and get accredited. A call off invitation will be only sent to the accredited providers. A tender submission from a provider who is not accredited on the PDPS at the point of call-off publication will not be accepted.


This PDPS has been set up in line with "Schedule 3 - Social and Other Specific Services" under the Public Contracts Regulations 2015, and the Commissioners are bound only by those parts of the Regulations applying to Schedule 3 services.
This PDPS is being managed by NHS London Commercial Hub on behalf of the CSU collaborative that provides procurement services for commissioners, including primary care, on behalf of NHS England.


This PDPS involves a 4-year procurement exercise being and will see:
· GP providers appointed to an electronically managed list of pre-approved providers - providers can apply to join the list almost at any time, unlike a traditional procurement framework, as there will be a series of regular application rounds held during the 4-year period. The pre-approval is largely concerned with eligibility to hold an APMS contract.
· Approved GP providers will be invited via a procurement portal to respond to requests for APMS services from local commissioners. This local "call off" will be matched to the bespoke needs of local commissioners and is where providers will set out their plans to deliver the services in question.

How do I apply?

To apply you need to register on the procurement portal (Health family), and apply to join the PDPS in one of the Application Rounds by using the link provided above. Bidders registered on the Health Family portal may locate the project documents using reference 'C169276' in the search facility of the portal.

The values of the individual contracts and individual contract durations will be confirmed at the call off stages. The dates/values mentioned in the contract information section of this notice do not reflect the actual contract dates/values.

Follow the instructions given in the description or the more information section
About the buyer
Contact name
Ahsan Haji
4th Floor - Unex Tower,
5 Station Street, London E15 1DA

About the buyer

Contact name

Ahsan Haji


4th Floor - Unex Tower
5 Station Street
E15 1DA
