Published date: 12 October 2023
Closed opportunity - This means that the contract is currently closed. The buying department may be considering suppliers that have already applied, or no suitable offers were made.
Contract summary
Architectural services for buildings - 71221000
Location of contract
Value of contract
Procurement reference
Published date
12 October 2023
Closing date
13 November 2023
Closing time
Contract start date
1 May 2024
Contract end date
30 June 2025
Contract type
Service contract
Procedure type
Negotiated procedure
Contract is suitable for SMEs?
Contract is suitable for VCSEs?
Through Myriad Housing, CHP is seeking Architectural design services to support the development and regeneration of a site located at Andrews Place, Chelmsford.
The scope of the project is to provide Chelmsford with an attractive, high-quality and 100% affordable development in a highly sustainable location.
The project is seeking to deliver an impactful and inspirational scheme with aspirational designs for social housing that will create a lasting legacy for the city of Chelmsford, in a highly visible location.
The intended housing types include; 20% 'later living' housing, and 80% general needs housing. The intended tenure type is for 100% affordable, including a mix of Social Rent, Affordable Rent and Shared Ownership.
The mix of dwellings is to be developed to meet the housing needs identified within the Local Authority area and is anticipated to provide a mix of dwellings including apartments, bungalows and town houses, including 4 bedroomed properties; all compliant to NDSS standards. Proposals are to maximise densities on the site, as well as addressing CHPs and Chelmsford City Council's (the Council) Place Shaping and Public Realm requirements, providing new focal points of public interest (including the Council's 'public art' policy requirements). It is anticipated that the re-development of the site will provide an opportunity to enhance biodiversity in the area.
CHP require the project to achieve a net zero carbon status, achieving Future Homes Standards and incorporating the use of MMC and Sustainable design solutions as appropriate and on a cost effective basis (both in terms of capital build and future maintenance costs).
The contract end date is indicative only and likely to be subject to change to meet the demands of the project.
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Completed documents must be submitted via the ProContract e-tendering portal.
You can access the tender pack on the ProContract portal:
The project reference is DN694168.
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About the buyer
Contact name
Alison Shaw
Myriad House
33 Springfield Lyons Approach
United Kingdom
+44 7801582570
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Closing: 13 November 2023, 12pm