Published date: 11 May 2020

This notice was replaced on 2 March 2021

This notice does not contain the most up-to-date information about this procurement. The most recent notice is:

Awarded contract (published 2 March 2021)

Closed opportunity - This means that the contract is currently closed. The buying department may be considering suppliers that have already applied, or no suitable offers were made.

Contract summary


  • Pension investment services - 66131100

Location of contract

North West

Value of contract


Procurement reference


Published date

11 May 2020

Closing date

3 July 2020

Contract start date

1 September 2020

Contract end date

31 August 2027

Contract type

Service contract

Procedure type

Open procedure

Any interested supplier may submit a tender in response to an opportunity notice.

Contract is suitable for SMEs?


Contract is suitable for VCSEs?



The Northern LGPS (GMPF, MPF, & WYPF) wishes to set up a framework for Investment Property Management Services. Full details of the requirements are set out in the tender pack. In summary, the framework will comprise 6 areas of work divided into Lots. Each Lot will have a number of providers, from whom each of the funds can procure services by way of a mini-competition depending on its needs. As can be seen, the current total value of mandates across all three funds is £2 billion (£2,000,000,000). Some of the current mandates overlap across the way the Lots have been divided up, and so the total amount of mandated work from a particular fund may not increase significantly when divided across the Lots. The Northern LGPS estimates that mandates totalling approximately £2 bn - £2.5 bn may be awarded under the lifetime of the framework across all Lots.

More information


Additional text

DO NOT contact the buyer direct. You should go to the Chest and electronically express your interest in the requirement, after which point the necessary documentation will be made available to you. All correspondence in regards to this requirement must through the messages function of the Chest, no correspondence will be issued by STAR, the Council, or GMPF outside of the Chest.

About the buyer

Contact name

Natalie McCarthy


4th Floor, Waterside House
Waterside Plaza
M33 7ZF
United Kingdom


+44 1619121616

