Published date: 22 March 2019

This notice was replaced on 18 April 2019

This notice does not contain the most up-to-date information about this procurement. The most recent notice is:

Opportunity (published 18 April 2019, last edited 18 April 2019)

Closed opportunity - This means that the contract is currently closed. The buying department may be considering suppliers that have already applied, or no suitable offers were made.

Contract summary


  • Health and social work services - 85000000

Location of contract

East of England

Value of contract


Procurement reference


Published date

22 March 2019

Closing date

23 April 2019

Contract start date

1 June 2019

Contract end date

31 May 2023

Contract type

Service contract

Procedure type


Contract is suitable for SMEs?


Contract is suitable for VCSEs?



Cambridgeshire County Council are inviting GP Practices and Community Pharmacies to join a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) to provide a number of Public Health services, as listed below. The detailed requirements are defined in the Specifications (one per Lot).

GP Providers can bid for the contract as individual practices or groups of practices/partnerships. Where more than one practice bids under one submission, then there should be an agreed representative who shall ensure that all practices meet the requirements of the contract and who shall support and manage providers to do this. As part of the bid, any practices/ branch sites within a group are required to be listed (Q9.1 of the GP ONLY DPS Questionnaire).

Pharmacies are asked to bid as a single organisation, rather than submitting separate applications for individual Pharmacies within the same organisation. There should be an agreed representative who shall ensure that all pharmacy sites signed up under the bid are aware of the submission, and subsequent expectations on them to deliver these Public Health Services. As part of the bid, Pharmacies within a group are required to be listed (Q9.1 of the Pharmacy ONLY DPS Questionnaire).

GP Practices:
1) Lot 1: Chlamydia Screening
2) Lot 2: LARC
3) Lot 3: Smoking Cessation
4) Lot 4: Health Checks

Community Pharmacies:
1) Lot 1: Chlamydia Screening and Treatment (Pharmacies)
2) Lot 2: EHC (Pharmacies)
3) Lot 3: Smoking Cessation (Pharmacies)
4) Lot 4: NRT Voucher Scheme (Pharmacies)

All organisations wishing to deliver the above named Services from 1st June 2019 onward will need to apply to join the DPS. The initial "Round" for this DPS will be open for 30 calendar days (deadline 23rd April 2019). Following on from this, "Round 2" will then be open for 20 calendar days. Subsequent Rounds will then be open for 3 months at a time. This means that Applications can be submitted throughout the duration of the DPS, but the Authority will only process the applications on a quarterly basis from Round 3 onward. This DPS Agreement is for 4 years (up to 31st May 2023) with no option to extend.

About the buyer

Contact name

Amy Myers


One Angel Square
Angel Street

