Published date: 22 January 2018

Closed opportunity - This means that the contract is currently closed. The buying department may be considering suppliers that have already applied, or no suitable offers were made.

Closing: 31 July 2018

Contract summary


  • Services related to the detention or rehabilitation of criminals - 75231200

Location of contract

North East, North West, Yorkshire and the Humber, East Midlands, West Midlands, East of England, London, South East, South West, Wales

Value of contract

£3,000,000 to £5,000,000

Procurement reference


Published date

22 January 2018

Closing date

31 July 2018

Contract start date

1 January 2019

Contract end date

31 December 2023

Contract type

Service contract

Procedure type

Open procedure

Any interested supplier may submit a tender in response to an opportunity notice.

Contract is suitable for SMEs?


Contract is suitable for VCSEs?



This opportunity offers capable suppliers the opportunity to work with vulnerable young people, supporting them during their time in custody and aiding them to better understand and exercise their rights.

The service is underpinned by five intended outcomes, these are:
- children and young people in STCs and YOIs are able to identify and freely access independent children's rights and advocacy services,
- children and young people in STCs and YOIs are provided with the skills to enable them to advocate for themselves and are supported at every opportunity to do so,
- children and young people in STCs and YOIs, who have complex needs and are unable or not wishing represent themselves, are supported,
- the voice of children and young people in STCs and YOIs is heard in particular at key periods where the service provider has been made aware of those who are vulnerable and in crisis, through access to proactive children's rights and advocacy services,
- raising awareness of the issues facing Children and Young People in custody in order to promote resolution and prevention at a local and systemic level.

There is a clear expectation that any Provider of children's rights and advocacy services will strive to continuously put the needs of the young people and to be flexible in responding to the demands of those young people.

This opportunity includes the provision of children's rights and advocacy services to young people under the age of 18 held in custody, with the exception of those children and young people held in Secure Children's Homes which is not in scope, including in the following secure establishments:

- Oakhill STC: accommodating a maximum of 80 young people, located in Milton Keynes,
- Rainsbrook STC: accommodating a maximum of 87 young people, located in Warwickshire,
- Medway STC: accommodating a maximum of 76 young people, located in Kent,
- Cookham Wood YOI: accommodating a maximum of 188 young people, all male, in Kent,
- Feltham YOI: accommodating a maximum of 180 young people, all male, in Middlesex,
- Werrington YOI: accommodating a maximum of 160 young people, all male, in Stoke-on-Trent,
- Wetherby YOI: accommodating a maximum of 336 young people, all male, in West Yorkshire.

This Prior Information Notice is intended to make capable suppliers of children's rights and advocacy services aware of the forthcoming opportunity to provide these services within the justice sector and to commence a market engagement process with interested suppliers. This will involve individual sessions with interested suppliers, followed by a wider engagement event closer to the date of contract notice publication.

The market engagement process will be intended to help shape the ensuing procurement strategy including the contract length and the number of suppliers desired to deliver the service. If you are interested in participating in the market engagement sessions please contact Matthew Hurley (

More information

Additional text

If you are interested in taking part in the market engagement sessions please contact Matthew Hurley ( and Krishanthy Narayanamoorthy (

About the buyer


102 Petty France
