Published date: 2 July 2019
Last edited date: 2 July 2019
Closed early engagement
Contract summary
Education and training services - 80000000
Location of contract
Any region
Procurement reference
Published date
2 July 2019
Closing date
1 July 2019
Contract is suitable for SMEs?
Contract is suitable for VCSEs?
***02 July Update - Please forward all requests for clarification regarding the Invitation to Tender via the Messaging facility in the Jaggaer eTendering Portal. In order to submit a clarification potential providers will need to register on Jaggaer (see below update for link). Please note we will not be able to respond to any clarifications submitted via the ECF procurement inbox.***
***New on 27th June 2019 - We can confirm that we will be publishing the Invitation to Tender for the Full Induction Programme, to support Early Roll-Out of the Early Career Framework' on Friday 28th June. This is the procurement to support the first stage of implementing the Early Career Framework (ECF).
We are procuring a range of products including curriculum and materials which have been designed to support the strengthened induction of early career teachers underpinned by the ECF. The procurement also covers the provision of quality assured training that will be made accessible to Early Career Teachers and their mentors which will enable participants to develop a deep understanding of all of the ECF.
We recognise that the scope of this procurement gives us the opportunity to draw on a wide range of expertise from a variety of providers. As stated at market engagement, we recognise that developing the ECF into a high quality curriculum with underpinning materials for every aspect of the framework is a critical task that will take time and specific expertise and capacity. We also recognise that not all providers may want to be involved in this task but may still want to be involved in delivery of training programmes based on the curriculum and materials. We would encourage lead contractors to work in partnership with schools and other providers who have a good understanding of their local areas, established networks and relevant specialist expertise. We encourage lead contractors to ensure bids contain suitable delivery arrangements to satisfy the Department's requirements for the provision of assured training. We would encourage partners to play a meaningful role in design, delivery, governance and recruitment of participants to training programmes.
Please note that this tender will be published on JAGGAER, a link to the site can be found here - ***
See Attachments for full description.
More information
- 1578 The implementation of the Early Career Framework PIN description.docx
- Market studies
- Description and further information
- 1578 Market Engagement Slides from events.pdf
- Market studies
- Supplier Information Event slides
- 1578 Market Engagement Q&A rev.docx
- Market studies
- Market Engagement Q&A revised 9.5.2019
- Market studies
- Post Event Survey (responses due 15th April)
Additional text
The purpose of this Prior Information Notice (PIN) is to notify the market of forthcoming market engagement events relating to the recently released Early Career Framework (ECF). The Department will be undertaking face-to-face events in Manchester and Darlington for interested providers to input into the implementation of the ECF.
Supplier Events are planned to take place in early April in Darlington on 2nd April and Manchester on 4th April, for interested organisations to gain a better understanding of the planned procurement activity. Details of how to register for the events will be available on in due course. Slides will be made available after conclusions of the events.
Earlier updates:-
***New on 17th June 2019 - Please be aware that we are aiming to publish the Invitation to Tender for early roll-out of the Early Career Framework at around the end of June. The exact date will be advertised on this webpage and via DfE social media so please do refer back here to check for the latest announcements.
We will be inviting all suppliers who have an interest in this field to submit a tender to develop and deliver a range of products to support schools in the first stage of implementing the Early Career Framework from September 2020. This early roll-out will be in the North East, Greater Manchester, Bradford and Doncaster. National roll-out will follow from September 2021.
The process to full national roll-out and beyond will be one of iteration, with on-going engagement with the profession, so we can be sure the final package meets the needs of early career teachers, their mentors and their schools.***
***New on 22nd May 2019 -Regarding the tender for the implementation of the Early Career Framework, we previously provided indicative timelines for the procurement process, with the Invitation to Tender (ITT) due to be launched in June. Our current intention is that it will be launched in the summer and on a new system (JAGGAER), which will replace BRAVO. We will provide updates and information in the usual way, through this notice including how to register for the new system.***
About the buyer
Teaching Profession Unit
20 Great Smith St, Westminster,
Share this notice
Closing date: 1 July 2019