Published date: 21 March 2019

This notice was replaced on 18 July 2019

This notice does not contain the most up-to-date information about this procurement. The most recent notice is:

Awarded contract (published 18 July 2019, last edited 18 July 2019)

Closed opportunity - This means that the contract is currently closed. The buying department may be considering suppliers that have already applied, or no suitable offers were made.

Contract summary


  • Research services - 73110000

Location of contract

Any region

Value of contract

£50,000 to £65,000

Procurement reference

IICSA: 1179

Published date

21 March 2019

Closing date

8 April 2019

Contract start date

30 April 2019

Contract end date

31 July 2020

Contract type

Service contract

Procedure type

Open procedure (below threshold)

Any interested supplier may submit a tender in response to an opportunity notice.

This procedure can be used for procurements below the relevant contract value threshold.

Contract is suitable for SMEs?


Contract is suitable for VCSEs?



The Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse ('the Inquiry') is seeking to commission a research organisation to deliver a mixed methods study (briefing note, survey and interviews) with victims and survivors of child sexual abuse to explore their experiences and views on support services.

The Inquiry is seeking to appoint a supplier with expertise in mixed-methods research, including conducting surveys and in depth qualitative interviews. The sample will consist of participants from the 'Experiences of Childhood Abuse' module in the 2018/19 Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW) which is currently in the field (fieldwork is due to end March 2019) and who have agreed to participate in further research by the Inquiry. The supplier must have a proven track record of delivering ethical, high quality research projects for government or other high profile clients, and have good knowledge and understanding of child sexual abuse. They must also have the capacity to deliver the project on time, be responsive to queries, and have an ability to write research outputs for non-technical audiences in plain, accessible language, including undertaking a robust quality assurance process involving multiple review stages.

To access this opportunity you will need to be registered on the CCS eSourcing portal.

If you are not registered on the eSourcing portal it is a simple process that can be done by following this link:

Alternatively, contact the IICSA Commercial Team for more information or assistance.

About the buyer

Contact name

Sarah Daw


Capital Quarter
Ground Floor
CF10 4BZ



