Published date: 17 December 2019

Last edited date: 14 January 2020

Closed opportunity - This means that the contract is currently closed. The buying department may be considering suppliers that have already applied, or no suitable offers were made.

Closing: 24 January 2020

Contract summary


  • Radio transmission apparatus with reception apparatus - 32230000

  • Closed-circuit television apparatus - 32231000

  • Closed-circuit television cameras - 32234000

    • Data-transmission equipment - 32260000

    • Digital transmission apparatus - 32270000

    • Wireless telecommunications system - 32510000

    • Transport equipment and auxiliary products to transportation - 34000000

    • Signage - 34928470

    • Sign posts - 34928472

    • Traffic-monitoring equipment - 34970000

    • Speed camera equipment - 34971000

    • Road signs - 34992200

    • Security cameras - 35125300

    • Installation of street furniture - 45233293

    • Installation of traffic monitoring equipment - 45316210

    • Customer Relation Management software package - 48445000

    • Traffic control services - 63712700

    • Traffic monitoring services - 63712710

    • Engineering-design services for traffic installations - 71322500

    • Customer Relation Management software development services - 72212445

    • Air pollution monitoring or measurement services - 90731400

    • Noise pollution monitoring services - 90742300

    • Parking enforcement services - 98351110

Location of contract


Value of contract

£4,000,000 to £20,000,000

Procurement reference


Published date

17 December 2019

Closing date

24 January 2020

Contract start date

27 April 2020

Contract end date

26 April 2024

Contract type

Supply contract

Procedure type

Open procedure (above threshold)

Any interested supplier may submit a tender in response to an opportunity notice.

This procedure can be used for procurements above the relevant contract value threshold.

Contract is suitable for SMEs?


Contract is suitable for VCSEs?



Portsmouth City Council ('the council') is seeking to establish a multiple supplier framework for the design, supply, installation, commissioning, operation and maintenance of Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) camera equipment and supporting software.

The framework agreement will be used to establish a charging Clean Air Zone (CAZ) within the city centre. Establishing the charging CAZ is in response to a Ministerial Directive issued to the council that requires the council to implement measures to achieve compliance with statutory Nitrous Oxide (NO2) concentration limits within the shortest possible timescales. The current operational 'go live' date for the city centre CAZ is 1st January 2022, following trialing of the system from September 2021.

The top ranked supplier will be required to work with the council on a two-stage open book partnership basis. The first stage will concern the finalisation of the design, programme and cost which will be presented to the Joint Air Quality Unit (JAQU) within a Full Business Case funding application. The current submission date for the Final Business Case is 30th September 2020, although this date is still to be agreed with JAQU. The second stage will concern the supply, installation, integration and commissioning of the CAZ along with ongoing operation and maintenance. Funding in respect of the CAZ only is provided by JAQU and will not be confirmed until the Full Business Case is submitted and approved. As a result, the council will not enter into any contracts for the second stage until this funding has been confirmed.

It is anticipated that the remaining framework suppliers will be used as a contingency resource or for the provision of equipment and services that cannot be provided by the top ranked bidder or for standalone equipment purchases.

The council's recently submitted Outline Business Case is available on the council's website at

The framework will also be used to support the council's current bus lane, bus gate and school 'keep clear' enforcement schemes. The current schemes include a network of 5 bus lane/gate cameras and 7 school enforcement cameras. The school enforcement cameras are used at multiple locations with 30 locations currently set up for monitoring and enforcement. The envisaged hand over date for all bus lane, bus gate and school enforcement schemes is 29th July 2021, at which point the new equipment must be fully operational.

In addition the framework agreement may also be used to supply associated equipment, works and services including:
• Expansion of current enforcement and CAZ services
• Moving traffic violation enforcement
• Anti-idling enforcement
• Air quality monitoring
• Traffic noise monitoring
• Smart City traffic monitoring
• Bluetooth traff...

More information


Additional text

Portsmouth City Council is currently in the process of seeking expressions of interest for the following project - Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) and associate vehicular movement monitoring requirements - framework agreement.

This is a single supplier framework for the design, supply, installation, commissioning, operation and maintenance of Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) camera equipment and supporting software. The framework agreement will be used to establish a charging Clean Air Zone (CAZ) within the city centre and will also be used to support the council's current bus lane, bus gate and school "keep clear" enforcement schemes.

The full details and ability to express an interest will be via our e-sourcing system Intend. This filepath will take you to the relevant area of Intend,

Once on the page you can either scroll down or use the search function to find the relevant project.

Should you have any problems with the above link, please contact us on 023 9268 8235 or email:

Is a Recurrent Procurement Type? : Yes

About the buyer

Contact name

Procurement Service


Guildhall Square
United Kingdom


023 9268 8235
