Published date: 7 July 2021

This notice was replaced on 4 August 2021

This notice does not contain the most up-to-date information about this procurement. The most recent notice is:

Opportunity (published 4 August 2021)

Closed future opportunity - This means that a potential contract has passed its approach to market date. A buyer can choose to consider any supplier interest or convert this notice into an opportunity ready for live procurement.

Contract summary


  • Market and economic research; polling and statistics - 79300000

Location of contract

Any region

Value of contract

£20,000 to £30,000

Procurement reference


Published date

7 July 2021

Approach to market date

6 July 2021

Contract start date

1 September 2021

Contract end date

1 March 2022

Contract is suitable for SMEs?


Contract is suitable for VCSEs?



Operational Policy and Practice Unit, Central Operations Division and Commercial will work together to procure a contractor to deliver Regional Advisory Board (RAB) elections. The election process will be run by the contractor and will include trust CEOs and Head Teachers.
The DfE is seeking thirty-two (four per region) new representatives elected by open academies in their region. Each representative will serve for three-years as non-executive terms on Regional Advisory Boards.
The DfE will seek to work with an election contractor to ensure a refreshed resource of outstanding system leaders who will be able to offer the department:
- advice, scrutiny and challenge on RSC decisions;
- local knowledge and 'real time' feedback on conditions in the academy sector;
- skills and expertise; and
- an opportunity to raise the profile of RSC work and the academy system.
A strategic goal of the department, as set out in the schools that work for everyone consultation, is to expand the number of good school places available. The work of RSCs, together with their RABs, plays an important part in achieving this aim across four main areas:
1. decisions on underperforming open academies,
2. the matching of maintained schools with sponsors,
3. approving significant changes; and
4. advising on free school proposals.
Educational standards must continue to be maintained and raised. The monitoring and improvement of decisions taken by RSCs, on behalf of the Secretary of State, requires effective input of local knowledge and expertise from local system leaders.
Central to the DfEs' agenda is improving social mobility and we know there are areas in the country that risk falling behind. The RSCs and RABs are best placed with their local knowledge to lead and drive action in the Opportunity Areas where social mobility is the weakest.
This procurement opportunity will only be available through the Jaggaer portal. Please register using the following link: -
If there are any problems logging on to the e-tendering portal, or submitting your tender, please contact the eTendering helpdesk: Phone: 0800 069 8630 or +44 203 608 4013, or E-mail:

About the buyer


Cheylesmore House,
Quinton Road, Coventry
