Published date: 2 August 2021

Closed opportunity - This means that the contract is currently closed. The buying department may be considering suppliers that have already applied, or no suitable offers were made.

Closing: 27 August 2021, 5pm

Contract summary


  • Architectural services for buildings - 71221000

Location of contract

South West

Value of contract

£45,000 to £65,000

Procurement reference


Published date

2 August 2021

Closing date

27 August 2021

Closing time


Contract start date

10 September 2021

Contract end date

30 November 2021

Contract type

Service contract

Procedure type

Open procedure (below threshold)

Any interested supplier may submit a tender in response to an opportunity notice.

This procedure can be used for procurements below the relevant contract value threshold.

Contract is suitable for SMEs?


Contract is suitable for VCSEs?



Please note that this notice supersedes the one published on 30 July 2021. The brief is to undertake an architectural feasibility study and concept design work in relation to the refurbishment and re-use of the former Western Warehouse, Infill Building and former Notts Industries Offices at Saxonvale, Frome. The work will involve taking the emerging vision and the feedback from community engagement, evaluating the potential of the buildings and adjoining proposed public square to deliver on this vision and develop costed concept design options. The work is to RIBA Stage 2 (Concept Design).
The tasks will include:
- Task 1 - review and clarify the project outcomes and work programme with the client
- Task 2 - work with the Sustainability Consultant to develop an environmental audit and sustainability strategy
- Task 3 - on the completion of demolition works adjoining the Western Warehouse (expected in early September 2021) complete a further survey of the structural integrity of the buildings and the integrity of the fabric of the assets, building on earlier condition surveys to include localised opening up works to assess level of structural degradation, damp investigations, condition of the timbers, steel work, concrete and other structures and foundations, opening up works to determine exact timber sizes, floor loadings, extent and condition of drainage, water supplies and other services
- Task 4 - complete an appraisal of the potential of the buildings and adjoining public square including constraints, opportunities and project costs
- Task 5 -prepare costed concept design options for review by the client - options to include potential demolition and rebuild of some buildings as well as their refurbishment and re-use
- Task 6 - support development of business plan to consider not only construction phase but also ongoing operation of the assets
- Task 7 - contribute to the Frome Area Renewal Action Plan and Conference to be organised by the client
- Task 8 - spatial coordination and preparation of planning application (once capital funding is confirmed)
- Task 9 - technical design and construction procurement (once capital funding is confirmed)

More information


About the buyer

Contact name

Peter Wheelhouse


Frome Town Hall
Christchurch Street West
BA11 1EB


+44 7714587127

