Published date: 4 March 2019
Closed opportunity - This means that the contract is currently closed. The buying department may be considering suppliers that have already applied, or no suitable offers were made.
Contract summary
Software package and information systems - 48000000
Location of contract
South West
Value of contract
£869,716 to £4,500,000
Procurement reference
Published date
4 March 2019
Closing date
29 March 2019
Contract start date
19 April 2019
Contract end date
31 March 2022
Contract type
Service contract
Procedure type
Single tender action (below threshold)
A direct contract with a single supplier, without competition.
This procedure can be used for procurements below the relevant contract value threshold.
Contract is suitable for SMEs?
Contract is suitable for VCSEs?
Invitation to Tender for support to the MAKEFAST Battlefield Information System Application.
More information
- 20190301-REDACTED_BATCM0306_MF_ITN_Annex A to Draft Contract_Statement of Requirements - Copy.pdf
- Tender notice
- Statement of Requirements
- 20190301-REDACTED_BATCM0306_MF_ITN_Annex C to DF47ST_Statement of Good Standing - Copy.pdf
- Tender notice
- Statement of Good Standing
- 20190301-REDACTED_BATCM0306_MF_ITN_DF47ST_Main Body and Annex A - Copy.pdf
- Tender notice
- DEFFORM 47ST Main Body
- 20190301-REDACTED_BATCM0306_MF_ITN_Draft Contract Schedules - Copy.pdf
- Tender notice
- Draft Contract Schedules
- 20190301-REDACTED_BATCM0306_MF_ITN_Draft Main Body Terms and Conditions - Copy.pdf
- Tender notice
- Draft Terms and Conditions
- 20190301-TRANSPARENCY_BATCM0306_MF_Est Proc Timescales - Copy.pdf
- Tender notice
- Procurement Timescales
- 20190301-TRANSPARENCY_BATCM0306_MF_ITN_Annex B to DF47ST_Tender Return Label - Copy.pdf
- Tender notice
- Tender Return Label
- 20190301-TRANSPARENCY_BATCM0306_MF_ITN_Annex D to DF47ST_ComrclCompMatrix- Copy.xlsx
- Tender notice
- Commercial Compliance Matrix
- 20190301-TRANSPARENCY_BATCM0306_MF_Tender Docs_Details of Redactions - Copy.pdf
- Tender notice
- Details of Redactions
About the buyer
Contact name
Christina Powis
MOD Abbey Wood
BS34 8JH
Share this notice
Closing: 29 March 2019